Waitlist used to Fill Freshman Class at UW Madison


<p>Approximately 550-600 students off the waitlist were offered spots.</p>

<p>I think the lack of competitive financial aid is becoming a problem. Hopefully the new undergrad initiative and other programs will improve this area of weakness.</p>

<p>The undergrad initiative could prove to be a double edge sword. For every dollar in financial aid that it may generate it’ll lose a dollar to an out of state family that goes elsewhere because it doesn’t want to pay the extra money. </p>

<p>In any event, I don’t think financial aid was the reason UW had to open the waitlist. I think it opened the waitlist because more competitive schools under-enrolled, went to their waitlists, and the result was a trickle-down effect. It was just a weird and unpredictable year.</p>

<p>Neighbor girl is one who is in off the waitlist. Couldn’t figure out why she didn’t get in at first. Was accepted at U of MN Carlson School of Business and U of IA. Had 30 ACT, state winner in DECA several years , 3.75 GPA, AP scholar, lots of community service, willing to pay the extra with the reciprocity. Thought it very odd.</p>