
<p>Does anyone know if there will be a chance to be accepted off the waitlist this year? I read that some years they take some and some years no one. If one does get accepted late off the waitlist, does it affect the financial aid and what about housing?</p>

<p>can someone give some insight to this? How many is any were accepted last year? I was postponed then put on the wait list and UW Madison is my number one choice. There have been times were numerous people at my school got in the same year after being wait listed, but others where no one at all were accepted</p>

<p>I was also waitlisted. I know that no one was taken off the wait list last year. Wisconsin was tied for my first choice school, so I feel your pain but I got into my other one. Honestly it’s hard to predict until May 1 which exactly why it’s a wait list :confused: debating on if I even want to accept the waitlist offer</p>

<p>I actually did just accept the waitlist offer though, because it is my first choice. I know the chances aren’t likely but I’m considering transferring in if things don’t go my way. Love it too much to give up yet.</p>

<p>If UW Madison even does go to the waitlist, do Wisconsin residents get priority? We live in Minnesota with whom Wisconsin has a reciprocity agreement, but don’t know if that matters and just wanted to know if we get bumped back until students residing in Wisconsin make their decisions. With all the excitement of Wisconsin going to the Final Four, our gut tells us that it’s unlikely the WL will be used this year.</p>

<p>I read somewhere that in a past year when they did take students off the waitlist, they were from Wisconsin, but I think they consider Minnesota the same as in state. The way this year is going, I think Madison will be extremely popular and I doubt they will need to use the waitlist.</p>

<p>Well today is May 1, so pretty soon they should know how many students committed to join the freshman class. I am assuming that they will know if they will go to the waitlist. Do they announce this, or do they notify you on the portal? Appreciate any information!</p>

<p>It is highly variable based on the returns May 1. Can range from 0 to well over 500. With improving economy I’d guess lower but very hard to predict. </p>

<p>Lat year virtually none and the list closed almost immediately after May 1 deadline. <a href=“Waitlist at UW-Madison is Now Closed”>https://kb.wisc.edu/admissions/news.php?id=4814&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Is tho related to postponed transfer in any way?</p>

No this is for freshman admissions who were placed on a waitlist after the 2nd notification period. Postponed transfers are different. I read that they make decisons on those postponed transfers after they see their semester grades.</p>

What I meant was: If the wait list isn’t used for freshman, because of enrollment etc. Do those same causes make the admission standards for postponement higher. (And # admitted lower.)</p>

I would guess that if they are having enrollment issues (ex-more freshman than they anticipated), that could possibly cause the number of transfers admitted to be lower. They may have to look at total overall enrollment, so that classes are not so full. </p>


<p>My son just heard that he got in off the waitlist about 5 hours ago. Nothing on myUW, but he got an email.</p>

<p>Check your emails, people.</p>


<p>UW called and emailed my son on May 7th to offer him a spot. He was on the waitlist. He is OOS, 3.5 unweighted GPA, 31 ACT. Once they make the offer, you have three days to accept or you are taken off the list!</p>

<p>Nervously, was your son’s info posted in myUW? </p>

<p>3 days? Do they give you a financial aid package also to consider in that short period of time?</p>

<p>Not initially. The counselor sent him an email asking him to call her. When he called her back, she said they had a spot open for him and that he would get an email by 5 PM the following day. Once he got the email, his status was updated in on myUW. </p>

<p>He doesn’t qualify for financial aid other than student loans so we didn’t look into any of that. He had already accepted an offer at another school, so this caught us by surprise and we haven’t had time to fully discuss/consider options. If you accept the offer, your only obligation at that point is a non-refundable $100 deposit. </p>

<p>My friend was just pulled off of the waitlist yesterday. So far, it looks like UW-M is resorting to the list this year.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>