
To remain on the waitlist for Williams, I’m supposed to send a brief email of continued interest. Does anyone know if this this email is supposed to detail why I want to go to Williams, or just state that Williams is my first choice? Basically, is this email a formality, or a chance for me to show why I’d be a good fit?

I think this is your chance to state, succinctly (as they want it to be brief) that you still want to attend Williams, and why. Tell them how well Williams suits you, and vice versa. Look at it this way: you might have been waitlisted because they didn’t think you’d come, if accepted, because they assumed you would have other offers that fit you better; you might have been waitlisted because you were a great candidate that they wanted, but couldn’t fit in; you might have been waitlisted because they couldn’t think of a compelling reason to accept you, rather than someone else. Give them a reason to think they might have been wrong (without, of course, telling them that they were wrong).

But then, having accepted the waitlist, my unsolicited advice is to forget about Williams and focus on the schools that accepted you. Don’t waste your time and emotions hoping for the maybe, at this point. Honestly, your chances of getting off the waitlist are worse than they were of getting in–you know that–and you are truly better off falling madly in love with the real instead of withholding your affection in favor of the possible.

To stay on the waitlist, all you have to do is say “Please keep me on the waitlist for consideration,” but if you seriously want to go–esp. if it’s your first choice–you should say unequivocally that if you’re accepted you will attend. Unless you’ve and some relevant accomplishments or other info to update their file, that’s probably enough.

anyone know if they will be going to the waitlist?

It all depends on the yield. They usually take a few, sometimes as many as 40-50. They’ll know in a week or so.

I called Williams today to ask about the waitlist. They explained that they wait about a week for students who mailed their acceptance to respond before going to the waitlist. I then asked if they would be going to the waitlist and the individual I spoke with had no idea

My DS was admitted off of the waitlist on May 9, 2012 (He is currently a Junior at Williams). At that time, they only had 10 spots to fill from the waitlist. I believe something like 40 people were eventually admitted from the waitlist (you can find this data in the Common Data Set - search “Institutional Research” on Williams website). The increase from the initial 10 openings to 40 is due to people changing their plans over the summer. If I had to guess, they will go to the waitlist early next week if there are open spots available.

Good luck to everyone still hoping to get in.

@Blueash What did your son do to support his continued interest while on the waitlist? Thanks for any advice/guidance from your experience.

I was just admitted off the waitlist!

How did you find out, hallowedelegy?

By email

@MaryMac39 My son sent a simple email to admissions explaining that Williams was still his first choice and he would attend if accepted. He also had received a national Spanish language exam honor and was able to update them with that information. Fortunately, we did not have to wait long. However, there are people taken off the wait-list later in the Summer.

They are looking for a certain class composition. So as they lose people, they look to replace them with similar characteristics. (This is my opinion).

Good luck - and congrats to hallowedelegy!

@Blueash Thanks so much - ready to hang in until the very end. And congrats to @hallowedelegy!

Congrats @hallowedelegy !!! That’s swell!

…at 11 pm though, that’s late, lol :wink:

good luck to everyone else!!

Congrats @hallowedelegy !

Insight into waitlist in this article. It says that all waitlist offers will be made by July 1.


My D’s friend just got off the wait list, she is ecstatic (had applied ED and was deferred, Williams had been her number 1 all along)!

Hey guys, been following this for a while and finally decided to join CC. Does this mean Williams will not admit anymore waitlist students this year?

No, just means WL offers will be case by case depending on any shift from the current incoming class (if more students take a gap year or if more students accept offers from other schools where they are currently on the WL). Overall there probably won’t be many more offers but there still could be a few.