Waitlisted ... anybody know what's next?

So after being postponed in January, I got put onto the waitlist and it appears we’ll hear about it again in May. Only issue: most schools require that you commit by May 1st, and “college decision day” at my school is April 15 …

Does anybody know what to expect moving forward? Is there a realistic shot of people getting in? Any admissions rates from last year?

And can you decommit from a school after May 1st and enroll at UW instead?

You can always decommit from a school, but you will not get the money back on the deposit you put down at whatever school you leave. That being said, that enrollment deposit is a small drop in the bucket compared to the price of college.

You can always decide to switch schools if you get admitted to UW. But- after May 1st you will not get a refund of your deposit. On your HS college decision day (why so early???) day you state the school you have been admitted to and plan on unless things change. Historically not many taken from the waitlist as I understand from past years’ CC posts.

The Common Data Set is blank in this area for last year UW-Madison, which is not helpful. The previous 2 years they checked the box saying there was no waitlist. But clearly there is this year.

Schools usually go to their waitlists after May 1, so you need to deposit somewhere else by May 1. (No matter what your HS does, you don’t have to answer to to schools til May – and some students will not have been to all their accepted student visits by then – that seems goofy to have it April 15). If you are offered a spot off the waitlist and decide to take it, you usually lose the deposit at your original school.

Does anyone know if UW Madison ranks kids on the waitlist or is it just a first come first serve kind or thing. I have a friend that goes to Madison now who got postponed then waitlisted and got in early April. Is there hope that we may hear back before June?