waitlisted at BC, no chance at NYU??

<p>I just learned today that i was waitlisted at BC. Im concerned because ive yet to hear back from other schools, and i fear that my decision from BC foreshadows the decision i wil get from NYU. Ive been accpeted to two other schools, so please dont feel bad that if i dont get into any of those schools i wont go to college. Heres a copy of my reseme: </p>

Freshmen Year </p>

<p>Honors English 3- B-
Honors Algebra 2- b-
Honors Enviormental Science- B+
History- b+
Spanish- c+ </p>

<p>softmore year: </p>

<p>honors english: b/b+
honors Geometry: c+
Spanish 5: A-
History: B
Honors Biology: B+ </p>

<p>Junior Year: </p>

<p>AP english: B
AP CALculus AB: B-
AP History: A-
Spanish: B
Honors Chemistry: b+ </p>

<p>Midyear Senior: </p>

<p>Ap English: a-
AP Stats: A-
Ap Econ: B+
Honors Physics: B+
Ap Spanish: b+ </p>

<p>I go to a very competive prep school. All these grades are not weighted. I think my courseload is amoung the top 10 percent of my class. My overall grades/ courseload qualifies for the top 25-30 percent. There is no class rank in my school. </p>

<p>SAT info: </p>

<p>Math: 760
Verbal: 620 </p>

<p>SAt 2 MAth 2c: 660
Sat 2 Writing:620
Sat 2 History:660 </p>

<p>Extracuriculars: </p>

<p>Editor of the School Newspaper and Literary Magazine
School Tour Guide
Member of 3 clubs (debate, a community service club, and Math)
4 years on the cross country team ( running)
2 years on the ski team
4 years concert band
i attended a harvard/stanford summer school programs for hs students in between my softomore and junior years:
Grades: Harvard, Goverment B, Pre-Calc B-
Stanford, Linear Alebra and Calc: Pass, Human Physciology: B
I designed a website for my church's school </p>

<p>thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>what school at NYU did you apply to?</p>

<p>i applied to the college of arts and sciences. Thats one of the harder ones right?</p>

<p>yeah more or less....</p>

<p>i think just because you didnt get into BC doesnt mean you have no chance at NYU. Your stats definitely put you in the running at NYU and it could go either way...</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>I agree with HManx. NYU is harder to get into than BC. However, that doesn't mean you'll get rejected from NYU just because you got waitlisted at BC. Perhaps NYU will like your essays or reccs. better or see some type of potential in you that BC didn't. Admissions is not black and white, it can get very subjective at times.</p>

<p>Good luck and keep us posted.</p>

<p>Yeah sometimes these admissions people are just hard to figure out so don't worry - you should find out really soon.</p>