Waitlisted FYE- can I send my midyear report?

I was waitlisted way back in the beginning of december on the basis of a grade from sophomore year before an ADHD diagnosis that was noted in my application. I was really upset, partially because Purdue was my first choice, and mostly because I was afraid every school was going to look at me the same way.
I was wrong about the second part; aside from MIT, Purdue was my only ‘no/maybe’. (This isn’t really relevant, but may be helpful to future applicants. I was admitted to schools with ~12% acceptance rates)
But, despite having options that I really like located in areas that I find prettier than Lafayette, with programs just as strong, it is still my first choice.

As expected, I earned all As last semester, contributing to three straight terms of all As; this includes AP calculus and science and computer science, BUT, Purdue didn’t care to see these grades before making the decision, so I’m not sure if they’ll care now.

Do they accept mid year reports from waitlisted students? If so, would it be any benefit to send them if they just continue a trend that was already present in my transcript before?

What’s the chance of getting of the wait list?