Waitlisted SU Discovery Program, Next Steps/ Chances

I got waitlisted on to the waitlist for a Discovery Program. Although I got into a lot of other schools with phenomenal comp sci programs I really loved the discovery program and dual major at SU. I was planning on participating in the Discovery Program then in the Spring semester the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and College of Engineering and Computer Science. Djd anyone else also get waitlisted for the Discovery Program or know the chances of getting off the Waitlist? Should I be hopeful or just look at other schools? Advice on next steps?

One should never be hopeful about a waitlist.

A waitlist means you’ve been rejected.

It’s simply a hedge for the school in case they mis judge yield.

Stay on if you want but move onto #2 and fall in love with it. You can have success at many places. And many hate their dream.

All that said - emotionally move on from SU (my alma mater). Love who loves you back.

Per SU’s common data set, 12,638 were wait listed last year, 4073 accepted their spot on the wait list, and 321 were admitted. Not great odds. https://institutionalresearch.syr.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/syracuse_university_cds_2022-2023.pdf. See section C2

I’m also in the camp of love the schools that loved you back and focus on where you’ve already been accepted.

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