Waitlisted UMiami 2022

I got off waitlist for Spring as well. I’m definitely considering it. I feel like it may be better than transferring since there is a spring orientation and a whole semester to get comfortable with the campus. But then again, it’s not ideal.

Just checked and had the check mark next to spring admit. Frustrating because DS would have definitely gone had it been Fall. Just doesn’t want to start a semester later.

If you were planning to transfer sophomore year, take the spring admit – you are definitely in with Spring admit!!! Congrats!!!

@idkwhy123 can you let us know when you call them and information you learn about spring admission? I am planning to call as soon as I can too.

My D was not a spring admit, however, I will tell you that spring admits DO live on campus in the same residence halls as other freshman students. There are always students who drop out after fall semester. If the []_[] is your first choice and the financial aid works for you, then use the fall semester to work, take classes (make sure you get them approved first!), or travel. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a gap semester. Try to view it as a plus.

I can confirm what @sdteak has said. All Spring admits that I knew of lived in the dorms Freshman year. Most of them had very easy transitions too, probably based on the fact that it’s a normal process that everyone expected.