
<p>Son just got waitlisted. Wondering how many students are actually ever accepted from waitlist? Unfortunately madison has been his #1 school since 9th grade. He knows he has to move on and has been accepted to all schools he has applied to thus far and is still waiting for several with April 1st deadlines. Anyone with advice as to how to cope with his loss???</p>

<p>on the website it says only a small percentage of students that are put on the waitlist are accepted, around 300ish last year I remember reading. </p>

<p>But i would just try to get your son excited about another school!</p>

<p>Judyjim … I’m sorry your son has been waitlisted. From your previous posts it sounded like
he was a great candidate for UW Madison. And your posts have always been so positive and encouraging to everyone. Good luck to him. I’m sure he will do great wherever he ends up going.</p>

<p>What I am thinking happened is there are a lot more applications this year. A good amount of those students are probably also applying to the Ivies and other schools who may not have returned notifications yet. So some students may be stalling to hear from the Ivies before they decide whether they want to go to Madison or somewhere else. So once some of those students decide to go somewhere else, more seats would be opened up.</p>

<p>Good luck though</p>

Sorry to hear about your son. He can only look at the positive side of which schools to decide from. If the goal is graduate school he may be better of going to a school where he can dominate academically and post a solid gpa for grad. school versus getting in to a reach school and hanging on for a 2.? and no grad. school. I am an alum and feel my son should go to Minnie vs. UW for this very reason. If Marquette was not in such a bad area, He would go there and dominate academically. Be thankful he has the choice to go to any school. Once your career is launched, does it really matter what school You went to for undergrad? I feel the real goal s/b a grad. degree which means getting at least a 3.3 for undergrad. Good luck. :)</p>

<p>Judyjim, I was just like your son for about a year and a half of my life. I thought Madison was the only school that would ever have exactly what I wanted. I was completely devastated when I got postponed, but I knew I had to look at other schools. I kept thinking I’d never be happy anywhere else, but the truth is, I unintentionally fell in love with another one. I went from thinking “I don’t know what I’ll do with myself if I don’t get in” to thinking “Madison is not the only place in the world to be happy.” And this is 100% true, even for your son. Trust me, when you tell him, “you will fall in love with another school soon enough,” he WILL not believe you, because I thought it was the stupidest thing my parents ever said. But I thank them every day now for encouraging me to pursue other options, because it’s the reason I am filled with excitement just at the thought of being at my college I’ve chosen for next year. And a year ago, I never thought I’d be saying this, but it is not UW-Madison. In addition to just flooding him with encouragement, I would also just plan trips to visit colleges, because like me, he will realize that his other options have advantages that make them worth going to. College visits were my absolute favorite part. They are the reason I initially fell in love with Madison, and if it happened for one school, it is undoubtedly going to happen with another. It took me 2 months to finally make these realizations, so it will most likely take time for you too. But a year from now, he WILL be happy wherever he is :)</p>

<p>Thank-you all very much for your support, encouragement and ideas to help my son think about this loss. We are starting to plan other college visits. Peacyone, wondering which college you fell in love with since you like my son loved Madison? I do believe he will be fine wherever he lands. :)</p>

<p>The number accepted off the waitlist ranged from near 0 last year to over 500 a few years ago. The average might be near 300 but the variance is very high. Just impossible to tell right now. I believe the Common data Set has that info for each year and they can be found on the UW site.</p>

<p>I fell in love with UW-La Crosse. I realized I liked more of a medium-sized campus, and I am able to participate in my sport there. Couldn’t be happier! Good luck to you.</p>

<p>judyjim - so sorry to hear about the waitlisting. Disappointment is a bitter pill and I can only hope that your S will find the school that’s right for him. Even when he does, there will likely be a few pangs of regret about the UW. It sounds like he has the tremendous good fortune of having a very loving and supportive family around him. I’m sure that things will work out in the end.</p>

<p>Other schools to consider if he hasn’t done so already. (These have been discussed before in previous posts/threads):</p>

<li> Univ. of Iowa - I’ve mentioned before that our D attends there and loves it. Great kids, great campus and great school spirit. Very similar to Madison in terms of “feel”.</li>
<li> Univ. of Kansas - also a good school. We know several kids that attend here and love it as well.</li>
<li> Univ. of Indiana - mentioned before. Great campus “feel”, good kids, quality environment.</li>

<p>I’m sure that I speak for many others in offering your family all our best. Good luck and keep us posted as to where he ends up. Take care.</p>


<p>Our sons sound like two peas in a pod. We are still waiting for the final decision but if it doesn’t go my sons way I know it will sting. Especially with my being an alum. That said, if there is one good thing about waiting so long it is that it has given the kids time to contemplate other choices even if it is with lack luster enthusiasm. In our case, son only had a very vague idea of his course of study when he applied to UW. Since then, he has developed a real passion for a career that involves getting a joint JD/MA degree. A lot of school but he is psyched about the future. So, if the decision by UW doesn’t go his way, I think he will look at all of the other schools he has been accepted to…including the stretch schools…in a new light and with his future academic goals in mind. In the end, UW may not shine as much as it used to. At least, as a parent, one can hope. We are a little further in the process than you are because we have already heard back from the other schools he applied to and he has been accepted to all of them. So,we are just waiting on UW and then a choice can be made. But, come April 1st I am sure your son will feel a lot better. It is empowering to finally be in the drivers seat and be the one to accept or reject the colleges who want you. And, there is a lot to be said about just having the waiting being over and being able to move on. The best of luck to you and your son. Keep me posted as to where he decides to go. Maybe our boys will end up at the same school. Stranger things have happened.</p>

<p>Thanks- Once postponed he applied to several other colleges. So far he has been accepted to University of Minnesota but we are from Minnesota and he wants the experience of living away. He also was accepted to University of Vermont and University of Indiana -Bloomington. His stretch schools he will hear from at end of month which are (University of Southern California, Emory, Vanderbilt and Duke). Emory has been sending him frequent e-mails and received financial aide counselor from them so maybe?? Very different campus compared to Madison since no big sport teams.</p>

USC and Duke are much more difficult to get into than UW. I live in Orange county and know many of my kids friends who apply to USC. It is as tuff to get into as UCLA. Besides have you seen the USC campus? It is in a terrible ghetto. They literally built a wall around the campus for protection. We call it the University of Spoiled Children, lots of uber wealthy kids that are wasting four years to be spoon fed into daddy’s business till they inherit a fortune. If sports are a big deal then the only good sports team WAS football till all the cheating scandals. They will suffer for the next 5 years already, and Lane Kiffin will probably get them in more ncaa violations. Bottom line is, I would not send my kid into a war zone by choice. It makes the Marquette location look like a pristine lake in northern wisconsin. If You plan on working in so.cal. then Sc has a strong alum. Kinda like the Marquette mafia, otherwise, save your money and go elsewhere.</p>

<p>I think THAT academci view of USC is over 20 years old and out of step with the current USC. By a mile. If that is a terrible ghetto you never have been to Chicago or Detroit or parts of DC. It’s sketchy and not as nice as Westwood but not that terrible either. </p>

<p>Sounds like a Uclan upset by the rise of USC.</p>

<p>My room mate at UW was from 127th and Stoney Island on the south side, I thought that was scary till I worked for 4 years around the SC campus, thru the Rodney King riots. Sorry, it’s a really bad area. 9 years ago a football player caught a stray bullet in the leg, during August practice. The police choppers circle 24 hours a day. If Pete Carrol was running a clean program (Reggie Bush, O.j. Mayo-BB) he would not have run out the back door to his “dream job” in Seattle just before the ncaa kicked down the front door. You can not lose 30 scholarships and be competitive. How many losses did SC have last year? Academically it is a top school, but I would not put my kid in harm’s way for any school. Trust me, when the sun sets, You better be behind the wall or miles away.</p>

<p>I was waitlisted last year as well, so I decided to save some money and attend UW-Oshkosh 20 minutes away. Here, I am finishing up my calculus, physics, and chemistry sequences- classes that are often used to weed out prospective engineering students at Madison. I applied for Fall 2011 transfer to Madison with a 3.7 GPA and am anxiously awaiting my decision. Going to a smaller school for your first or second year isn’t the end of the world.</p>

<p>Popeyoung5- Yes, Duke and USC are very out of reach but he decided to chance them anyways. I am not sure why he thinks USC is so great but at one time it was his second choice school. USC is so costly (almost $60,000 OOS) that my son knows it really isn’t an option even if he did get accepted so I have not even dealt with the safety issue. He has some friends who are at Duke and encouraged him to apply there. Just not counting on acceptance. He also applied to Boston College which is also costly but it is 5 miles from relatives and smaller campus. Personally, I think he would be really happy in Indiana. It is a beautiful campus and an up and coming school and still reasonable tuition. He would do well there academically and better chance to get A’s for medical school.</p>

<p>I was wait listed yesterday as well. Still waiting for letter</p>

<p>I posted this on another thread but thought it might be helpful here, too.</p>

<p>Wait list acceptance history</p>


<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/news/waitListFAQ.php[/url]”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/news/waitListFAQ.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;




(375 out of 950 by this press release, <a href=“http://www.news.wisc.edu/15272[/url]”>http://www.news.wisc.edu/15272&lt;/a&gt;. Apparently they must have admitted more later.)</p>

<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-wisconsin-madison/733869-waitlist-used-fill-freshman-class-uw-madison.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-wisconsin-madison/733869-waitlist-used-fill-freshman-class-uw-madison.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>See also:
<a href=“http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/article_f0341dac-69df-11df-82c7-001cc4c002e0.html[/url]”>http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/article_f0341dac-69df-11df-82c7-001cc4c002e0.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Just can’t count on getting in from waitlist so son needs to move on. Just accepted today from UDenver with dean scholarship and has a president scholarship from Vermont and offers from several other schools. Anyone know much about Denver U or Emory U? Since Madison seems out of the picture I should start a thread for those students waitlisted and forced to find another school loved as much as Madison.</p>