
<p>I got a letter today saying that I was waitlisted.
I am very confused because I was expecting a scholarship from Lewis & Clark.
Maybe they thought I was uninterested in the school and overqualified??
It is very disappointing.
I really thought we would have been a great match.</p>

<p>Can you send supporting materials to prove your interest? Was it your #1 or have you already decided to pursue another option? If it is the former, appeal!</p>

<p>it wasn't my first choice.
But if they had given me a good scholarship it might have been my first choice.
I think I'm going to send them a fax tomorrow stating my disgust and confusion.</p>

<p>son was waitlisted, but he will decline the list. He got into the school he really wanted, SCU. Also got into UPS with a scholarship and huge grant but will decline that as well. Just have to fill out the forms and mail them in this week.
If you got waitlisted and really want to go to LC, there are a few threads here dealing with things you can do to show them how much you want to attend. Make every effort to add to your app and call and write. Don't sit still on this.</p>

<p>Don't know if this will make you feel any better, but the Chronicle of Higher Education had an article this week on schools that had received significant increases in applications. Lewis & Clark was mentioned as having a 13% increase this year. The admissions director also mentioned that they have received many more "stealth" applications (applications that come from people who have never had any contact with L&C before) this year. The article mentioned elsewhere that many schools who are experiencing boosts in stealth applications this year (and there are many) are using waitlists more heavily. So, if you didn't have much contact with L&C, this might have been part of the problem. I know this doesn't help make the thin letter easier, but I'm sure you will have other good options! Best of luck.</p>