
<p>I recieved my decision in the mail today and was waitlisted. Just curious if there were any others out there that got the same decision?</p>

<p>Do you mind me asking what your stats were?</p>

<p>yeah no problem</p>

<p>[ *]Stats:
[ *] SAT: 610 (V) 680 (M) 600 (W) (not great, I know)
[ *] SAT IIs: N/A
[ *] ACT:
[ *] GPA: 3.3 uw 3.7 w
[ *] Rank: top quarter
[ *] Other stats: took hard classes 8 APs total (w/ senior schedule) and the rest honors, made solid grades, but never consistent "A's"
[ *] Essays: Great, english teacher iked it, creative short essays
[ *] Teacher Recs: solid
[ *] Counselor Rec: ok i guessing
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ *] State or Country: the dash, NC
[ *] School Type: Private
[ *] Ethnicity: Asian/White, biracial
[ *] Gender: male
[ *] major strength/weakness: instate, strong courseload, good ECs, mostly community service based/low gpa, sat, recs maybe
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted: no clue
[ *] Other Factors:
[ *] going to attend? I'll see, have to wait another 3 months</p>

<p>Similar SATs, you just have me by a little bit on CR/W. My GPA was a little bit better than yours and I took more AP classes and I got in. </p>

<p>The more that I think about what I wrote, I know that my essays went a long because they were pretty amazing.</p>

<p>You probably won't get off the waitlist if you don't do anything. You should sen them a statement of purpose, just reinstating your intentions and letting them know that you intend to go to wake forest if you get in. The dash is pretty close to wake right? Drop by and talk to an admissions officer, or just send an email. Ask them what your chances are of getting in and if there is anything you can do to improve your chances.</p>

<p>I think I remember reading that you got a minority likely letter to duke right? just wondering.</p>

<p>no I didn't get likely from duke. I also got waitlisted from UNC, these are both my top choices. Its a tricky situation, Im planning to write letters to both of them, and now I have to make a deposit at another school; I'm going to be out of $200 or more even if I get accepted from the waiting list.</p>

<p>Yeah it sucks. My friend got waitlisted at state so he has to send in all of his deposits to ECU and hope that he gets in to state in june. Waitlist is not a fun situation.</p>

<p>I got waitlisted too, here are my stats:</p>

<p>[ *]Decision: Waitlisted
[ *] SAT: 630 (V) 780 (M) 610 (W)
[ *] SAT IIs: None
[ *] ACT: 30
[ *] GPA: 3.18
[ *] Rank: top half
[ *] Other stats: Horrible freshman GPA(2.72), 4.0 UW GPA Junior Year-Upward trend
[ *] Essays: Meh..
[ *] Teacher Recs: Great
[ *] Counselor Rec: ?
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ *] State or Country: Maryland
[ *] School Type: Private
[ *] Ethnicity: Puerto Rican/Caucasian
[ *] Gender: male
[ *] major strength/weakness: Ec's, Job experience, Test scores at 75%
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted: Low freshman and sophomore gpa's
[ *] Other Factors:
[ *] going to attend? No, I cant afford it even if I do get off waitlist</p>

<p>Eww, I got waitlisted too!</p>

<p>I got wait-listed too!</p>

<p>waitlisted too
this sucks</p>

<p>Got deferred ED then wait listed RD...it's a never ending cycle...</p>

<p>VJP, I feel your pain, I think I'm going to be on the same path. I was waitlisted at NC State too.</p>

<p>No one made it off the wait list last year. I hope this year is different, for everyone's sake.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea how many people are on the waitlist this year?</p>

<p>I hope they let some of us in!! ;( Well, the way they made it sound in the letter, we should only put our names on the waitlist if Wake was our #1 school, so they obviously aren't planning on a SUper huge list..oh well, all I can do now is hope or OSU here I comeee!</p>

<p>I wrote a letter to Wake after being deferred ED. Should I write another after being waitlisted or is that too over the top? I'm thinking it may be overly redundant...thoughts?</p>

<p>Does anyone know the Wake's acceptance percentage for students who get admitted off the waitlist? I know UNC's is 20% on average, obviously you can't compare the two, but is 20% close to what Wake's is?</p>

<p>I got wait listed too. The letter says 20% of wait listed people get offered acceptance.</p>

<p>you are not alone, i got waitlisted too
[ *]Decision: Waitlisted
[ *] SAT: 660 (V) 720 (M) 650 (W)
[ *] SAT IIs: 800 (chinese), 660 (BM, Math II), 720 (US history)
[ *] GPA: 4.32 (W)
[ *] Rank: top 5%
[ *] Other stats:
[ *] Essays: common application recycled essays (pretty good)
[ *] Teacher Recs: shouldn't be bad
[ *] Counselor Rec: ...we didn't quite get along
[ *] School Type: public
[ *] Ethnicity: Asian
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] major strength/weakness: 14 AP classes (Bs in chemistry and calc BC, rest got As), honor classes (all As)
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted: didn't write new essays for Wake Forest or bad rec from counselor?</p>

<p>{*]Decision: Waitlisted!!
[ *] SAT: 670 (V) 5900 (M) 600 (W)
[ *] ACT:29
[ *] GPA: 3.91 (W)
[ *] Rank: top 10, actually #3 or 4 (out of 287)
[ *] Other stats: hardest courseload, sports, tons of volunteer work
[ *] Essays: better than average
[ *] Teacher Recs: good, i thought
[ *] Counselor Rec: "
[ *] School Type: public
[ *] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] major strength/weakness: straight A's all thru HS (2 B's actually), well-rounded, WEAKNESS: tests, definitely
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted: definitely my test scores, I should have studied for them...majorly</p>