Waitlisting a R1B class in Phase I?

<p>I'm a freshman and my Telebears appointment time is on Tuesday. I really want to sign up for an R1B course this spring but a lot of the good ones have filled up. I want to waitlist for one, but I know that's quite risky. Most people who sign up don't drop the class, so not many get off the waitlist. My friend told me however, that some GSI's will add people on the waitlist to the class. </p>

<p>Is it advisable to waitlist for an R1B class and then contacting the GSI somehow and inquiring about the chance of being accepted into the class? </p>


<p>Just from my own experience, doing this is very risky. I mistakenly waitlisted for a R5B class in spring, and attended class the whole first week. It was all for naught because I couldn’t get into the class. As a freshman, in spring, other people (ie: seniors) who were on the waitlist got into the class before me. If you can put off the R1B requirement for another semester, do it, and use your other 4 units wisely in Phase I.</p>

<p>I’m #1 on the waitlist for a an R5B course, would I be okay? I really want to finish my english requirement this year</p>

<p>Isn’t it a manual waitlist? I think most R1A/B classes have manual waitlists meaning that seniors that are even the last on the waitlist move up ahead of you. Just because you’re #1 doesn’t solidly guarantee that you will be in the class. It depends on who else is on the waitlist.</p>

<p>Yea, it’s important to know whether it’s manual or not because I almost fell victim to it for my R&C B class. Last Spring, I was #1 waitlist for my B class that was fairly big for an English class (around 40 seats). I waited for at least a month and didn’t get in until the last minute when seats were added. This is because she taught the R&C A class the previous system and guaranteed students who took the A class (regardless of where they were on the waitlist) that they would get in. So 5-10 people got in before me even though I was #1. Chances are, you probably aren’t in a situation like that, but just be cautious about the rules the teacher may have about waitlist.</p>

<p>ok so if math shows this:
99 student(s) are enrolled, with a limit of 400 and 9 student(s) are on the waiting list, with a limit of 50.
and R1B shows this:
This section is full, and 5 student(s) are on the waiting list, with a limit of 18.</p>

<p>This Waiting List will be processed manually by the department.
WHICH ONE SHOULD I SIGN UP FOR IN TELEBEARS PHASE 1…(btw my telebears is now)</p>

<p>problem: the chem 1A (already signed up for) and the math1A times interfer…but i think they will open up more chem1A labs</p>

<p>Sign up for R1B. Math is big and you have a better chance of getting in Phase 2. However, if you really want Math more than R1B, then you might considered going with Math if you can afford not taking R1B this next semester.</p>