Waitlisting Overqualified Applicants?

<p>I'm going to be a senior this year and attempting to navigate this scary process called the college application process... Does UM have "Tufts sydrome" (where they waitlist people who they don't think will come because they're stats are "too high")? My stats are a bit higher than the average, but I love, love, LOVE UM, and I would hate to be waitlisted because of that (I think it's really stupid to do that...)</p>

<p>If it helps any, I have a 35 ACT (and a good deal lower SAT that will not be mentioned ;) ) and my GPA is in the 3.9-4.0UW range (my school has a funky grading scale, so I don't know what my GPA is exactly). I have ~400 hours of volunteer hours, and have the normal random clubs (French Club, Engineering Society, tennis team... stuff like that).</p>

<p>I really, really love UM and I would hate to be waitlisted for being "overqualified." I think it's really stupid to be "overqualified" for college, but, you gotta roll with the punches, I suppose...</p>

<p>No Tufts syndrome here that I know of.</p>

<p>You should get in with a hefty merit scholarship and Singer invite. </p>


<p>Miami loves to attract high caliber students with their generous merit scholarships! I agree with crazed. You will get at least 24k, but apply early action to make sure. Miami tends to be more generous in the early decision/action rounds.</p>

<p>Cool! Thanks, crazed and SVMMom. I think it’s incredibly stupid (not to mention a tad annoying) to waitlist people who are “overqualified” simply because they’re “overqualified” (again, how can one be overqualified for college?), especially when the “overqualified” applicant loves the school… It’s nice to know that Miami doesn’t! Thanks to both of you!</p>

<p>Sounds like it’s an effort to boost acceptance rates. But, no, I’ve never heard of that at UM. You’re in for sure, unless you’ve been convicted of murder or have no life to speak of outside of school.</p>

<p>rankinr–It is, but it’s still stupid (and pointless). And (as far as I know), neither apply to me, so… :)</p>
