Waitlists have been processed! FTW! Except not.

<p>So. JMC kids apparently got this mail saying Waitlists have been processed! </p>

<p>Attention students: Wait lists have been processed. Check your class list on <a href="http://tritonlink.ucsd.edu%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://tritonlink.ucsd.edu&lt;/a> for updates. Happy Birthday.</p>

<p>Except not. I clicked up tritonlink and checked out my class list but my waitlist status hasn't exactly changed (well, I moved up one spot in the one class I consider dropping). I still only have 2 classes I'm actually registered for, and 4 I'm waiting for (oops that adds up to 6; when did that happen?). </p>

<p>So what happens now?<br>
That's my fall schedule, and I just try going to my waitlisted classes and bombard my professors until they let me in?</p>

<p>I moved up two for Muir87...that's all the change I see, but I saw that I had moved those two up from before waitlist processing.</p>

<p>I'd rather take Phil87 but half the current class would have to drop out before I could get in.</p>

<p>F this waitlist shiet. I'm waitlisting in one of my engineering classes that is only offered once a year (in the fall), and there's one discussion time that can fit in my schedule. I would have to change all my classes to get this once measly *****in class. I've been waitlisted #1 since the first day (tuesday) of freshman enrollment. Whelps, hope it get in! lol.</p>

<p>Screw the waitlist system. I'm just going to show up to my waitlisted classes and, hopefully, the professor will eventually add me.</p>

<p>What do we show up to... The class or the discussion? Is there even a way to sign up for JUST the class?</p>

<p>show up to class and talk to the professor...because only the prof can give you approval to add not the TA. And you have to sign up for the class and discussion at the same time because if there is no room in the discussions there isn't going to be room in the class.
Better get used to this whole waitlist thing, because unless you have a really early registration time, this is going to be how it is for at least the first year, if not first two years...that's just how UCs are</p>

<p>I waitlisted a freshman seminar, but about a week later the admissions office added in all my AP scores and labeled me a sophomore. I'm still on the waitlist, but would I need to get authorization to get into the class, now that I'm a sophomore?</p>

<p>I would say unless they give you trouble about that, you don't need to do anything.</p>

<p>who was able to get into Muir 40 writing?</p>

<p>i was hella disappointed when i didn't get Muir 87 freshmen seminar....it had like 14 people on the waitlist =[ ........ i guess i will miss out one of my freshmen memories at ucsd...</p>

<p>I did. And amazingly, it was on Thursday afternoon. I picked one that worked with my schedule, and then on Friday morning, they opened up more slots, and I picked the TA I wanted.</p>

<p>I'm also on waitlist for Muir87. I think I'm #5 on the list. Maybe I could drop it out for you, since I'm not <em>that</em> into the class--I'd rather take Ukulele or Philsophy or some other seminar.</p>

<p>X| Omg, I really wanted to take that seminar, but I saw the waitlist line for it, died of a heart attack and didn't even bother joining the waitlist.
Oh well.</p>

<p>I'm #2 on the waitlist for Muir 40, so don't know what's going to happen to me. :&lt;/p>

<p>You'll get it. People drop out.</p>

<p>muir seminar seating limit is only for 20 people right ?</p>

<p>Just in case you guys wanted to know, there was another Phil 87 freshman seminar added;Same subject. It's from 9-10:50 am on friday.</p>

<p>Also, when you look at the class on webreg it will say that it is on monday, but according to the email i recieved: </p>

<p>"Both sections will be on Friday, not Monday. The schedule of classes should reflect
that tomorrow."</p>

<p>Additionally, "The section number is 582223, the enrollment says zero,but you should be able to enroll anyway."</p>

<p>I want the John Muir cooking seminar or Sixth College Textbook Reading Seminar....but both of them are full =[</p>

<p>hit me up when they add new sections for these classes ...</p>

<p>Registration Instructions for First-year Freshman with Advanced-Standing</p>

<p>Due to advanced placement and transfer credits, the StudentLink Registration System considers some first-year freshmen to be sophomores (or even juniors) and will not allow you to enroll in a Freshman Seminar when you first enter the registration system.</p>

<p>If you are a freshman with advanced-standingÂ…</p>

<pre><code>* Contact the department/program/unit offering the seminar either by calling or emailing their undergraduate advising office or visiting the office in person. Undergraduate advising office contact information
* Provide the office with:
1. Your full legal name
2. Your student ID number
3. The Title of the seminar you want to take
4. The Section ID number of the seminar
* Be sure to explain that you are a first-year student with sophomore standing. The department/program/unit can clear you to register in the seminar if it is not yet full.
* Once the department/program/unit has cleared you for seminar enrollment, you will need to go back into StudentLink to actually register for the seminar.

<p>We are sorry that you will need to take these extra steps to register for a Freshman Seminar. The registration system is complex and sometimes requires a little extra help to work in special circumstances.</p>


<pre><code>* Seminars Offered
* TritonLink/StudentLink