<p>Anyone in the wake class of 2009 input your IM information so we can have a chat</p>
<p>my aim is mlswish05</p>
<p>sn - milertme5</p>
<p>italian.mofo.4life =X without the periods... who knows what kinda bots roam this site looking for my sn!</p>
<p>hairfreakgurl........but all those not in my bl is automatically blocked....so, just pm me with your s/n if you want to talk to me.... everyone who already posted their s/n b4 my post, i already added ur s/n's....so ur unblocked...lol thanks</p>
<p>holler at me</p>
<p>my sn is okohr</p>
<p>D 's is mandic05</p>