Wake Forest Announces 14th President

Very exciting news from Deacon land: Susan R. Wente selected as 14th President of Wake Forest University | Wake Forest News


Yes, I spoke to friends at Vanderbilt yesterday about her, both graduates and faculty. All were complimentary, said that Wake got a real rising star.


Great selection. Tremendous amount of directly relevant experience.

WFU has about 5,000 undergrads & about 2,600 grad students.

Vanderbilt has about 6,800 undergraduate students & almost 3,000 graduate students.

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She was acting Chancellor at Vanderbilt when Covid hit and she had to handle all the important communication to parents and students until this past summer. She worked tirelessly on dealing with the pandemic and did a wonderful job. WFU is lucky to have her.


My D is a sophomore at Wake. She can hardly contain herself.


As sad as I am to see Dr. Hatch retire, I am equally excited to welcome Wake’s new president. An excellent choice by all accounts!

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