<p><a href="http://www.wfu.edu/ir/docs/cds2007wfu.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.wfu.edu/ir/docs/cds2007wfu.pdf</a></p>
<p>It says their in CDS that work experience is not considered at all in regards to freshman admissions. Now, I find that ridiculous that they won't even consider an applicant's work experience...I have been working all four years of high school to help supplement my family's income. It irks me that a top school won't even weigh that information at all...can someone please say that this might be a mistake on their CDS?</p>
<p>They may look at work experience now since they dropped the SAT/ACT requirement and are looking more at the “whole” student, relying more on interviews, etc. That CDS data was before they dropped the test requirements.</p>
<p>How much were you working per week if you don’t’ mind me asking?
I worked 15-20 hours per week throughout high school, just because. I mean if you were working 40-50 hours per week then you can have an excuse, but I think you need to demonstrate how this job molded you or accounts for less activities/lower grades/etc. Because if your job was like mine (a very menial job) I would never argue that it made me a better person. It was what it was–a boring, menial job that paid me money.</p>
<p>Well, I worked 30 hours a week, and this year I have been working around 40 hours a week due to the economy.
My grades or ECs didn’t suffered at all because of work from 9th-11th grade, but this year is a little different story. I work at my dad’s small business, and I did in a letter to every college articulating some personal issues I had during high school, and I did include a little information about the increased work hours. I said something along the lines that working in my dad’s business environment made me realize the importance of higher education because I was surrounded with people, for one reason or another, lacked higher education. I said that taught me perseverance in tough times and propelled me to work harder because I realize how many doors are opened, or shut, by education or lack thereof.</p>