Wake Forest Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Rejection arrived tonight 9/23/22 around 7 pm via portal. Good luck everyone. On to the next!

Same here. Very excited. It was listed as ā€œstatus updateā€ on the portal, but no email.


Stats: DD23 accepted on 9/23
3.96 (uw)/4.55(w)
ACT 33
8 APs and rest honors
No ā€œhooksā€ but very good ECs
Varsity/Club Sport
President/Founder of a School Club
Research all 4 years - regional awards
Good volunteer and work experience
From Northeast

She knew it was a good fit for her from the startā€¦ the combo of size, rigorous academics, good weather and school spirit definitely makes it a unicorn.


Congratulations- do you mind sharing stats?

Congrats to everyone who got good news! My daughter got in last night. So excited-her top choice since the first minute she stepped on campus! As far as stats-She has a 4.3 weighted gpa. Lots of in depth hands on service work. Has played multiple sports and has a job. She went to the WFU summer immersion program. Did not submit test scores. Good luck to everyone still waiting.


Congratulations to her. Thanks for sharing.

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Congrats! When did she submit?

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She submitted August 2. Had an interview August 23

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Anyone hear back today?

Wakeā€™s latest admission blog post said next round if decisions will come at the end of October.

My son applied ED on 9/10 and interviewed 9/15. I assume heā€™ll hear back later this month (Oct). Will those that got accepted please share how they were notified? I know itā€™s by mail, but is it a regular white envelope or I had heard they used to send out black 8 Ɨ 11 envelope. Just want to know what to look for in the mailbox. He has 4.65 weighted gpa, lots of volunteering, Summer Immersion courses and while he got a 31 ACT superscore composite, we chose not to submit. Praying he gets in. Thoughts? Thanks!!

@DLELLIS2004 tell your son to periodically check the portal for a status update button. If he sees it and clicks, he will have his decision. Likely this will be on a Friday later this month between 7-8pm EST (assuming he has all green check marks by end of Sept)
My Daughter did not get the email to check the portal until the following day (Saturday) but she knew to check the portal for that button every Friday night. The written letter of acceptance came about a week later. Good luck!

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Thank you!


anyone have insight as to if october decisions will be the 21st or 28th? D is anxiously awaiting!


It seems the Aug applicants heard on Fri, Sept 23rd via the portal, so we can only assume it might be the same time frame (Fri, Oct 21). My son applied ED/interviewed in Sept, so weā€™re anxiously awaiting ourselves. Good luck!


Any chance we hear tonight? D just got accepted to Auburn and now feels like itā€™s her lucky day :rofl:


Congrats to your daughter on Auburn! Based on this blog, I believe the window to hear back on the portal (Fri 7-8pm EST) has closed this evening. I just checked the portal and nothing. But it was a long shot given WFU made it pretty clear that Sept applicants will hear by end of Oct, and here it is only Oct 14th. Iā€™m guessing next Fri, Oct 21st may be the day.

I donā€™t suppose anyone else heard back this evening?


Likelihood for decisions tomorrow? Also- for those accepted, did the acceptance send any information about financial aid/merit? Thanks!

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Weā€™re on pins and needles!! Hoping tomorrow is the day!


Anyone know for sure if itā€™s today or have a good sign?!