Wake Forest Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Thanks for the response. She applied RD so hoepfully it’s not a deal-breaker.

My son did not have interview ( filled up ) and did not send video. He was accepted last week.


Thank you SO much for sharing this. My daughter has been worrying about it since seeing all the accepted students mention they did one or the other.

AND congratulations to your son!

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I have a daughter who graduated in 2021 as a Biology and Chemistry major. Now, she is in her second year of Veterinary School. I have a second daughter who is a junior majoring in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. She is a Mullen Scholar and will be going off to get her PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. My youngest daughter is applying to be a freshman next year. Our family loves Wake Forest, and we would be happy to answer any questions from a parental perspective.


Is anyone seeing a change in their student’s portal? Today my D noticed a transcript, dated today, in the list of received docs. The transcript notes she attended her HS from 8/19 to 1/23, then “conferred 5/23.” That must have been requested from her HS, I’d assume. If they wanted a midyear report, they’d ask for that, so is this just confirmation she’s on track to graduate?

Anyone else?

My daughter is also a Nov. ED submitter. If you learn any more information about when those decisions will be released please share that information. We are really hoping for next week (either December 14th or 16th) and not have to wait until almost Christmas to hear.

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Someone upthread said the last batch of EDI last year came out on a Wednesday (Dec. 15, I think). So probably nothing tonight. (I was hoping for tonight, since lots of other EDs are going out this week. But those deadlines were probably Nov. 1, ahead of WF’s Nov. 15 deadline.) Just as well! Probably better to let D get through midterms/finals before getting word about WF.

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I’m not sure why some schools are very transparent about the date that decisions will be released and others seem to enjoy keeping everyone guessing!

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Has anyone else heard? I’m hoping 15 or 16. I wish we knew a date for sure.

It seems to me that Friday the 16th would be the latest date they would announce decisions.


The following schools are expected to announce ED’s today (unfortunately Wake is not on the list for today): Colby, Columbia, Cornell, Davidson, Georgetown, Hamilton, Harvard, TCU, NYU, Penn, and Yale. Let’s hope tomorrow is the day (although it would make sense to check the portal every evening since Wake seems less than forthcoming about when it will release its ED’s.

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I don’t think they announce when they do it

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I’m not sure it’s a matter of not being forthcoming as much as the fact that Wake’s ED is rolling.


I think they batch roll. So they only did 1 or 2 dates in November and it will be 1 only in December.


They released decisions in Sept ( don’t know the date) Oct 28 and Nov 23rd. We were in the Nov 23 group, there was no advanced notice and the email arrived after the portal was updated so keep checking, for us it was after 7pm EST


any news?

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none here :confused:

Nope, I keep checking. I’m wondering if it’s going to be the 21st. It lines up with all the other dates they’ve done.

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Because they did September 23
October 28
November 22 or 23
So December 21 just seems like the move?

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