Walk on spots for men's rowing?

Does anyone know if it is possible to get a walk on spot on the mens rowing team? My son has been rowing for a short time, but really enjoys it and would like to continue in college if possible.

Yes, the Hamilton men’s rowing team (like other NESCAC schools) includes both recruited athletes and walk-ons. Your son can certainly reach out to the coach and ask for more details!


I’ll give you a side bar: my niece is at a HUGE flagship state uni (ie one of the elite public unis) - and she tried out/walked on effectively to D1 women’s varsity crew …without ever having sat in a boat. Granted they had an open call tryout that lasted for 2 months :slight_smile:

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Within the CC community, I believe @123France has stated that her son walked onto Hamilton’s rowing team.


D1, D3, club - what is he thinking? It varies a lot by schools and division. Walk on opportunities vary a lot - so more info would be more helpful for us rowing parents to advise you/him.

Please note that it appears the OP has inquired about Division III varsity crew at Hamilton College.

Thanks - I missed it was specific to Hamilton :slight_smile:


I believe Hamilton has walk ons for crew. This is one of those sports where a good athlete can learn the fundamentals and excel, and coaches are generally interested in exploiting this talent. Personally, I have known 3 people who represented the US, who “picked up” rowing in college. They were all cross overs from other sports. A rower with some experience will probably be welcomed.

Looking at Hamilton’s results and roster, it doesn’t look like they send “extra” boats to regattas, so it could be a great opportunity to train but perhaps without competing. Definitely worth talking to the coach after deciding to attend.


@Tana98, yes, my son, who graduated in 2022 from Hamilton, walked onto the rowing team without ever having participated in crew before. By his senior year, he was in the V1 boat. Covid killed sophomore year and part of junior year.


Awesome news–thank you all for your responses!

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