Walking distances (again)

<p>Pimentel --> Mulford?
Valley LSB --> Hearst Annex?</p>

<p>These both look like hell on the campus map, but I have classes back-to-back at these places...Thoughts?</p>

<p>LSB --> Hearst may not be too bad since it's at least downhill.</p>

<p>I too have a conflict: Latimer to Etcheverry</p>

<p>Pimentel to Mulford will take 10 minutes if you walk fast. At least you're walking downhill!</p>

<p>As for Hearst Annex, it's right next to Barrows which is a simple walk from VLSB.
To give you an idea, it's this building:
Room</a> Info</p>

LSB --> Hearst may not be too bad since it's at least downhill.</p>

<p>I too have a conflict: Latimer to Etcheverry


LSB --> Hearst is not downhill, it's uphill. It's easily doable, but definitely uphill.</p>

<p>Latimer to Etcheverry is nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>what about donner lab to pimentel</p>

<p>or dwinelle to hearst?</p>

<p>Dwinelle is pretty central, you can get most places on campus from it in ten minutes pretty easily. It's within easy striking distance of both hearst mining and hearst annex (I always forget there are two buildings both called hearst, heh.)</p>

<p>Donner is right next to Pimentel.</p>

<p>Can anyone comment on Hearst Annex to Pimentel? The CS61A lecture in Pimentel is right after the lab. It doesn't seem doable in 10 minutes although I'm thinking the professor would be more lenient since everyone who has the lab in Hearst Annex has to make it to Pimentel...</p>

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>Chairman Meow - You should be able to make it in 10 minutes if you don't walk slow. Besides, 61A labs are really short/easy and not even mandatory/graded, so you can always leave early or do the lab on your own time (I always finished well within an hour and left early).</p>

<p>Awesome, thanks for replying.</p>

<p>Bumping up for Fall questions</p>

<p>How about Pimentel to Tolman?</p>

<p>How about Pimentel to Tolman on a scooter?</p>

<p>Pimentel to Tolman is doable. Just sit near the exit and speedwalk. Definitely doable w/ scooter. Just try to find the shortest way before class starts.</p>

<p>get a bike</p>

<p>plus pimentel to tolman is downhill, so its definitely doable</p>

<p>yea… just get heelys</p>

<p>pimental to tolman is downhill the first half of the way and uphill the second half</p>