<p>So let's say I'm working on an AP test and see things aren't going so well. I get bored and leave (ignoring the demands of my test supervisor). Will anything bad happen? Obviously, my score will get void, but will I get a 1 or will the test not be mentioned on my score report at all</p>
<p>ya i agree with fhqwgads, if you know right now that it might not go so well, why don't you start studying?? And he's right about the 60%, if you just put a little time into it you should be fine during the test. So I would say don't walk out.</p>
ya i agree with fhqwgads, if you know right now that it might not go so well, why don't you start studying?? And he's right about the 60%, if you just put a little time into it you should be fine during the test
<p>Study for the APs? What an insane idea! Maybe I'll just try that. Oh wait. I have 3 days left. I get the feeling I won't be able to cover a year's worth of material in 3 days...</p>
<p>No, but seriously, so if you walk out they'll still count your grade?</p>
<p>It's called cramming. C'mon, everybody's doing it! XD</p>
<p>What test is it that you're so worried about anyway? Anything requiring lots of memorization (and little application) is VERY crammable.</p>
<p>And if you leave in the middle of a test, I'm pretty sure they'll just send your test in w/everybody else's and score you based on what you have. If you want your test scrapped, you have to do something against CB rules I think (like using cell phones) ... I don't think leaving is against the rules.</p>
<p>If you don't show up, you simply won't get a score at all, and it will be as though you never registered for the exam in the first place. I think some schools even give a partial refund.</p>
<p>I would recommend that you take as many practice tests as possible. Target your greatest weaknesses, and work from there. People tend to learn best this way. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll do fine. Stats is considered to be one of the easier exams, so a 5 isn't as far away as it may seem.</p>
"Study for the APs? What an insane idea! Maybe I'll just try that. Oh wait. I have 3 days left. I get the feeling I won't be able to cover a year's worth of material in 3 days...</p>
<p>No, but seriously, so if you walk out they'll still count your grade?</p>
<p>-The Serious Coot66"</p>
<p>Um why not? Does it usually take you more than 3 days to study a year of material? Why can't you just cram, or even actually study since you have 3 days, instead of making a plan to walk out...
And notice the poster above my last post also suggested studying, so why are you directing the sarcasm toward me?</p>
<p>If you walk out, doesn't that invalidate the entire testing session? I'm almost sure that no one is allowed to enter or leave the room during the entire testing period excluding that 10 minute bathroom break. Also with 3 days to study you can cram a lot of information, and you wouldn't be wasting 83 dollars per test.</p>
<p>Good point Yoshi, forgot about that. The AP people will assume that you texted the questions/answers to people across the country (b/c it happened last year) if you just leave. So you probably wouldn't be allowed to leave anyway</p>
<p>Sarcasm directed at everyone suggesting studying as though it's a novel idea. Not you in particular. Quoted you because your quote was the first I saw.</p>
<p>I will cram (2 days left now) but don't think I'll do to well anyways. And I'm not planning to ditch, I'd just like to know my options. But thinking about it seriously, how could someone stop me from leaving? I mean, if I just get up and walk out, I might get in minor trouble but I seriously doubt my guidance counselor would force me back in my chair.</p>
<p>Tried AIMing Kyoukasuigetsu5 but he's not at his computer and hasn't been for the last couple hours. If anyone does have the review packet for AP Stat and is feeling kind-hearted, please e-mail it to me at <a href="mailto:coot66@gmail.com">coot66@gmail.com</a>. Thanks!</p>
<p>this is a funny post but my teacher said one year for ap lit, a student took the MC and saw it was hard as heck and left (sneeked out) after the break well they just throw out his booklet and he got a 0 (thats right not a 1 but a 0) how do you like that
All seriousness dont let history repeat itself</p>