Wanna chance? (ED)

<p>GPA: 4.07/5 3.78/4 My freshman grade( got straight A-s but took all regular courses) bring me down about .1 Weighted
Rank: 13/180
SAT: 2210 (800M 700 CR 710Wr) 1500/1600
SAT2: 750 M1C, 740 Chem, 730 BIOM. and Took M2c and 1C on november (assume 780~800)
Course Rigor: 7APS
ECS: nothing stands out except lots of religious acitivities.
Recs: 1 great one from math teacher( he told me mines was the best one he wrote this year) 1 i dunno from a english teacher probably good
Major: Chem engineering (male)
ETC: I sent my quarter grade. they will see it for sure. apparently, they lost my transcript so i had to send a new one and my quarter grade was out so i just sent it with them.
AP Calc: A / AP Stats A / AP Chem A / AP Physics A+ / AP Psych A- / Honors Enligsh B+ (yes... im terrible at Eng + History) (4.8) </p>

<p>One really really really bad info
avg gpa of accepted students to cornell was 4.45
2/10 students got in. Valedictorian(4.6 1480) and number 3(4.38 1430) regular decision
however, all other students who got rejected had very bad stats.
Im like in the middle of rejected ppl and accepted ppl on naviance plot.
but slightly more towards accpeted ppl only cus my SAT is higher than ppl who got in. hopefully that will help.</p>

<p>thanks in advance!! :)</p>

<p>your stats are VERY similar to mine except for the SAT2s. where do u live w such small classes… that affects decision</p>

<p>I live in new jersey just like you. haha
Bergen county which is pretty known for education
but my school sort of sucks compared to other schools in bergen county</p>

<p>i’m at hills in passaic going for comp sci in engineering ED. people on CC seem to think im a match/already in, so hopefully you are too. see it here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cornell-university/805053-please-chance-my-ed-engineering.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cornell-university/805053-please-chance-my-ed-engineering.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>lol you are like 10x better than me!</p>

<p>? same SAT, same rank, i have 4 AP tests +5 more classes taken… the physics and calc your in now, are those C and BC respectively? + my recs were probably weaker than the “best this year” . **edit from before “wayne hills”</p>

<p>i also live in bergen county… you seem to have a better chance than me. on average 20-ish kids apply per year and about two or three get in.</p>

<p>you should be in.</p>

<p>but it comes down to essay.</p>

<p>dannygirsh: i think ur ecs and gpa puts you far above than I am. and no, my school offers very little number of APs. I think im taking/took 7 out 9. so basically everything but world languages</p>

<p>Chendrix: my essays are probably above average(personally, i think they are great)… i wouldnt say amazing tho.</p>

<p>My stats are somewhat like yours… so I was wondering if you got in? :slight_smile:
I’m pretty sure you should’ve gotten in… :)</p>

<p>he/she got in.</p>

<p>great! congrats! :)</p>