Wanna read my essay?

<p>hey everyone. freaking out about the ED results that are coming out next week. (assuming that we get it on 12th) to get my mind off that, i'm trying to work on my other apps(not really working tho...)
i mentioned this on a chance thread before...i liked my Columbia essay, and was thinking of using it for other schools as well, but a guy from the Stanford phd program (creative writing i think) told me that my insight was artificial... o wells...there goes my columbia accpetance.
so i was hoping that i could get some feedback on it. it won't change my chance of getting in to columbia, but would help me for my other schools, and if it turns out its as sucky as what that person told me, ill at least know the reason why i got rejected/deferred at columbia =P
i'll pm it to whoever's willing. I'd prefer that its not a hs student though. a couple days ago when i let a junior use my laptop for a while, i caught him trying to jack off my college essays on to his USB for "future refernces" so i don't feel comfortable about it. (what a loser...jeez)</p>

<p>thanks in advance!</p>

<p>you can PM it to me…</p>

<p>im a high school senior. and im just about done submitting all my apps.
and dont worry, i wont steal your essay, ive been working on my essay for many months now.</p>

<p>" i caught him trying to jack off my college essays on to his USB for “future refernces” so i don’t feel comfortable about it. (what a loser…jeez)"</p>

<p>You should have shot him.</p>

<p>I graduated from CU in may, I’ll be happy to give your essays a once over. And remember, what your Stanford PhD friend said was a POINT OF VIEW, and hte admissions officers may not share the same sentiments.</p>

<p>oh, PM me and I’ll give you an email address. I might cry if I read your essay as a PM</p>

<p>Hey, I would love to read your essay and give you my thoughts. I already applied ED to CC and kind of need something to do. =]</p>

<p>pm me, can hey can you read my essay in return? its 800 words :(</p>

<p>hey desperate asian, just a kind reminder to be cautious when pm-ing your college essays… esp. people with only 1 post and are new members =) (refer to post #5)</p>

<p><a href="mailto:kmhuether@hotmail.com…emai">kmhuether@hotmail.com…emai</a>l it if you’d like</p>

<p>I’d love to read your essay and share some feedback. Just PM it to me.</p>

<p>PM me :slight_smile: (to anyone else who wants theirs read too) I’ve already applied ED to Columbia and all my supplements are done for my other schools… minus SU but those are 1-2 sentence long questions, sooo…</p>

<p>Plus, I’m a language snob. I tear up my friends’ essays with stylistic suggestions ahahaha.</p>

<p>And if you’re worried about me stealing your essays, we can trade if you want—I’ll send you mine? Lemme knowww… I’m incredibly bored and antsy.</p>



<p>out of context WIN!</p>

<p>u shouldn’t send your essay to any current HS student at all especially not randoms on an internet forum</p>

<p>to support ur desire to get your other apps done…albeit desire born out of paranoia…i’ll take a look at your essay</p>

<p>…the fact that i’m an alum is well known</p>

<p>cerberus; yea, i know i should’ve. well i still b****ed at him pretty bad and he has been avoiding me ever since. lol</p>

<p>shraf, justbelieve; yea, i totally agree with you guys. as much as im pretty sure that nobody will try to steal my crappy essay, the fact that my essay may be sitting there on someone’s desktop, who i dont know and will most likely be applying to the same schools doesnt make me feel very comfortable.</p>

<p>so as much as i appreciate all the love and the EDers trying to hold on to their sanity doing random things, ill have to turn out the help. shraf and cerberus, please check your pm and thank you so much!</p>


<p>feisty yet unstable </p>

<p>it always really amuses me how high schoolers applying to college flock to these threads… at least one must have bad intentions </p>

<p>…i’ll get back to u soon</p>

<p>“i let a junior use my laptop for a while, i caught him trying to jack off”</p>

<p>Dude I TOTALLY missed that. I’ve sent you my email address.</p>

<p>“at least one must have bad intentions”</p>

<p>Or at least take a few tips, if not swipe an entire essay</p>

<p>sheesh Shraf and cerberus, you guys are acting like a bunch of teenagers…o wait I’m the teenager…LOL</p>

<p>I’d love to read your essay. I applied ED and am completely finished with my other schools. It’d be nice to read another person’s essay instead of my own for the millionth time.</p>

<p>Ummm… ndnguy—your inbox is full. PM me when I can send you my thoughts?</p>

<p>—nvm, just e-mailed it.</p>

<p>hey you can PM it to me if you want.</p>