Want to avoid getting sick in college? Research says get a flu shot

<p>"An apple a day may keep the doctor away, and a flu shot could go a long way toward keeping college students from getting sick and missing class.</p>

<p>That’s the conclusion of a recent study that compared how college students fared with and without a flu vaccination. Researchers surveyed 12,795 students through the Internet from 2002 to 2006 on the campuses of the University of Minnesota and St. Olaf College in Minnesota. In all, 30% of the students were vaccinated, and 24% came down with influenza-like illnesses during the flu season.</p>

<p>Those who got the vaccine managed the flu season better than their non-vaccinated peers, having a 30% lower rate of flu-like sickness. Those who got the shot also missed class and work less often, used antibiotics less frequently, saw the doctor less often, and were better able to keep up with their usual activities...."
College</a> students fare better with a flu shot | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times</p>

<p>Isn’t the different likely to be far less prevalent at schools with less extreme winter climate, especially since for first semester student’s immune systems will be their weakest around finals when the temperatures are their coldest?</p>

<p>WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD UP - are you trying to imply that getting a flu shot actually makes you LESS likely to get the flu? THATS ABSURD. If this groundbreaking research proves to be accurate, that guy should win the nobel prize.</p>

<p>I know a number of people who stupidly refuse to get a flu shot for one reason or another, believing it doesn’t really help or that they don’t need it. With any luck, this type of research will open their eyes a little.</p>

<p>I’ve never had a flu shot, and I have only had flu once in my entire life (when I was like 8). What I really think people need to do is just wash your damn hands and don’t drink/eat after people or share makeup. Combine some orange juice (vitamin C) in there and semi-regular exercise, and you’re in good shape. You’d be so surprised at how much of this people DONT DO.</p>

<p>How can we avoid eating with other people though when most of us eat at college cafeteria’s that have buffet-style food and practically everyone touches the serving spoons :|</p>