<p>Alright so since the admissions office is closed, I figured I'll ask here. </p>
<p>I want to drop a class. Not a core class, just an elective. Specifically, an intro to engineering course.</p>
<p>Does Princeton tolerate dropping classes? I'll call to confirm, but I'd like to know of anyone has experiences with it</p>
<p>Is this a year long class?</p>
<p>Yes it is. I would end up with a W (withdraw) on my transcript.</p>
<p>Have you already been accepted?</p>
<p>Regardless, CALL PRINCETON or email them. They’ll tell you if they think it’ll impact your application (or, if you’re accepted, how they feel about it). My senior year, I wanted to switch Spanish III for AP English and they “strongly discouraged” it, so…I didn’t.</p>
<p>I have already committed. </p>
<p>I’m not considering dropping due to difficulty. I just have issues with the teacher. It’s a college credit civil engineering course (project lead the way anyone?) yet the class average is 99.4%. </p>
<p>My brain is decaying by the very day…And the biggest insult is that I can’t do hw in the class</p>
<p>Yay for having committed!
I doubt you’ll have much of an issue then. Nevertheless, it’s probably best to confirm it with Princeton before dropping, but I really, really doubt they’ll protest. </p>
<p>And oh, high school…back when I got all of my naptime during class. :)</p>