So, I am a junior in college right now, and I am seriously thinking about being done with college for good. It’s not because I’m stupid or have a poor work ethic. It’s because I have a very high level of self-confidence and I feel very comfortable saying that I do not belong on the traditional college pathway that most people take. It’s just not for me.
I just hate everything about college. For the first two years, I attended a local branch campus to which I commuted. I hated driving to class, I hated being on campus, I hated sitting in the classroom. I hated having to do certain things in classes that I know did not help me in any way. I hated working with other people who I didn’t want to work with. In some classes (that interested me), I did great…got several course grades over 100%. But in other classes, that I hated and therefore devoted no time to, I got Ds and Fs.
I ended up dropping all my classes back in the Spring semester and taking a few months off because I was so unhappy. For the past two semesters, I have transitioned to the online part of my university and have taken all online courses. I figured I’d try it…since I am a big introvert, maybe I’d like online classes better. I was wrong. I’m still unhappy. I hate having to go home from work and spend hours online working on a paper that I don’t want to be writing about something that I don’t want to write about, but “have to” because it’s part of my major’s curriculum.
I hate having to conform to college curriculums that are created by people who do not know me.
And again, I’m a very intelligent, hard-working person…for the things that I WANT to do. Not to sound arrogant, but just because I think it’s important you understand I’m not a shallow-minded idiot…I have taken an official IQ test and received a score of 136…which means I am in the top 2% of the entire world in terms of intelligence.
I want to go into the field of astronomy and physics. I admire people like Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, and Bill Nye. But I also admire people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Abraham Lincoln, and Mark Zuckerberg…people who knew what they were doing and did not finish college because they saw better opportunities for themselves.
It’s not that I hate learning…I love learning about things that I WANT to learn about. But I hate learning in this “artificial” setting designed by people who do not know my unique abilities. I’d rather study at my own pace and teach myself things I want to learn. I literally neglect my college academic work to watch videos about Physics and read about Astronomy topics online and in books. I’d rather teach myself the things I want to know in life like Isaac Newton.
I hate everything about college. It has made me incredibly stressed and unhappy these past 3 years, and I really don’t feel like I am getting to where I want to go. So I want to step away, at least for a while.
The problem is I just don’t know exactly what to do after I drop out. I’ve had a job at a local business since I was in high school. I’ve risen up through the ranks there and am guaranteed employment there as long as I want it, so I am fine financially for NOW. But where would I go from here? How could I ever work at NASA or a space exploration company without a college degree? I could know more than someone with a college degree, but if they don’t know that, how will I ever be successful in life?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.