My general thoughts about your situation:
You need to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. Also, in the US, generally speaking, you can USUALLY merge into another job or career (with some effort) even though your prior job experience or education is in another job/career field.
I say “generally speaking” because when it comes to stuff like engineering and physics, those fields are pretty hard to switch into if you have a degree or experience in something else.
I totally agree w/the other poster who said that you need to do some serious soul searching and decide if you like physics because of popular science/science fiction or if you like physics for other reasons.
Here’s the deal with college…EVERY college student has to take classes that are:
a. not in your major
b. in your major but on a topic/subject in your major that you don’t like very much
c. general ed topics that have nothing to do with your major
The purpose of this is the following:
- to have a well rounded education
- to have a solid education in your major
What you cannot usually do is ONLY take the classes that you are super duper interested. If you REALLY want to get a college degree, then you have to suck it up, put on your big boy pants, and do some stuff that you DO NOT LIKE in order to get to do the stuff that you REALLY like.
Another reason why this is important:
This is how real life is in the working world. EVERY JOB has stuff in it that is boring, menial, not your favorite, etc. EVEN if you run your own business/company, you end up having to do stuff that you don’t particularly like. But it has to get done. It’s part of being an adult.
If you are not ready to do that, then you SHOULD go ahead and drop out. There’s nothing wrong with that. My own husband did that a couple of times in his long quest to finish college & get a bachelor’s degree.
From an outsider’s point of view, your post tends to come across as a bit childish/whiny. Kind of an older kid’s equivalent of a 5 year old saying “I DON’T WANNA!” But that was probably not your intent.