Want to get in to UW Madison, do I have good chances?

High school junior, I will be applying to UW Madison in the fall, I want to know if I stand a chance. Scored 28 on the ACT, retaking to try for a higher score, have a 3.74 GPA unweighted, currently in 3 AP classes, have previously taken 1 AP class, 1 honors class, 2 advanced math classes (I am two years ahead in math, currently in AP Calc AB and AP Stats), 2 enriched english classes, am taking Spanish all four years of high school, and am enrolled in 4 AP classes for my senior year. I play golf and track and am the manager/statistician for the basketball team. Member of Student Council, National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Life of an Athlete, and Students Against Destructive Decisions. I also have a job and babysit occassionally. My father went to UW Madison, so I am a legacy, and my aunt played on the golf team there. I know that I do a lot of extracurriculars, but are test scores, GPA, and course rigor enough to get me in?

oh yeah youre in bud…

Are you in state? If so, getting up to a 30 on the ACT should give you some peace of mind. If out of state, ACT realy does need to get to a 30 to be competitive for admission, not a sure thing, but competitive.

I’m in state

You’re probably OK. To be more certain, get that ACT up to a 30 like @Midwestmomofboys said.

Another thing to consider is this: is it affordable without too much debt?

I’m applying for a large number of scholarships, talking 20+ just to try and get some assistance, but it should be relatively affordable

If you can bring that score up a bit and apply early in the cycle, you’re in.
However, if you’re out of state, do you parents have 45k from income and savings for each year you study there?

You have a good chance, never a guarantee. Your junior year HS grades will be the most recent seen- finish strongly. You can retake the ACT to hopefully up your score. Good AP exam results would be good- study for those you take this spring. There are many students with similar stats so you may/may not get in as there is never enough room for all who could succeed at UW. Have alternate schools applied to.