<p>It happens every year. The on-line app systems crash under the weight of all the last minute apps. Don't be caught in this calamity. Don't wait until the last day to submit yours.</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice. I'll try very hard to get everything in before the last day.</p>
<p>Me too... Thanks for the reminder.</p>
<p>I will submit my app on 11:59:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99</p>
<p>^ ahaha you do JUST that.... (don't)</p>
<p>Jan 1st is approaching, so I'm bringing up this reminder.</p>
<p>Don't bet your future on an overloaded server....</p>
<p>Common App Servers are just like UC Servers. Both are prone to crashing.</p>
<p>.... <em>nervous</em> Got a Bates and Middlebury app due Jan 1st. <em>knibbles nuckles</em> Darn.</p>
<p>good luck and a happy new year</p>
<p>yea def do it early as u can.....
butttttttttt i submitted my apps 2 days ago.
and the day AFTER i send my apps,
i get some REALLY REALLY good suggestions for my essay.......... and i realized that without using the suggestions,,, my essay was totally TERRIBLE and lacking and too much tell/not enough show. but i cant really go back to adcoms and say "HAHA JK DONT READ THAT ESSAY! HERES THE REAL THING" :(<br>
but yea def dont wait last minute.
UC totally crashed on my friend but he got his app in. but close call nonetheless.</p>
<p>Oh. </p>
<p>My father's credit card got cancelled due to mix up of WHERE to send his new card since his old card expires in two months.</p>
<p>Isn't this...FUN??? </p>
<p>So that basically means no money for college apps for about one month. And wow. Middlebury isn't free online or for international students!</p>
<p>uh oh. i've got oh, about... 13 last minute ones. Stanford i did 2 minutes before the deadline. that was a close one.</p>
<p>2 minutes? You like to live life on the edge don't you? That's dangerous.</p>
<p>haha yes, well, the essay took longer than i thought.</p>
<p>when an app is due jan 2, does that mean u can submit ON jan 2 at like 11:59, or does it have to be in by jan 1 at 11:59?</p>
<p>It means if you get it in on Dec. 31 you won't have to worry about such things.</p>
<p>I submitted my app 5 min PAST the deadline for Stanford-- and got accepted!! I think it made me stand out.</p>
<p>Does this application overload start the 31st or just the 1st??</p>
<p>I would assume it starts the 31st.</p>
<p>I'm totally staying up all night to get these apps in... probably... Now where's all the caffeine?</p>
<p>I'm so nervous! Has anybody you know had that much trouble that they weren't able to get there application in on time?</p>