Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa/Asheville NC

Hey y’all,

Mom of a Class of 2026 Warren Wilson College Owl here. Just wanted to revive this subforum in case anyone has any questions.


Warren Wilson made this Fiske Guide list of “Best Buy” colleges.

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Hi, hope you see this but I’d love to know your child’s experience! We’re looking for small, cozy, safe colleges & see they have Exercise Science!

@Sweetgum might be able to tell you about WW. My D is at Elon if you are considering that and have any questions.

WWC is a pretty unique school with a big hippie vibe, a working farm, and a work program where every student has a required on campus job in which the wages are applied directly to the tuition (kids don’t see any $$ directly). Very eco-conscious, very LGBTQ friendly. Has kind of a summer camp vibe.


Hi, we’ve done some asking around & research and it does look pretty interesting. One little concern….in a few different places there have been a handful of students warning that many students are over the top, extremely “edge lord woke” was one term I believe. Im paraphrasing here but comments mentioned things like - if you’ve had any type of help, are straight, came from a relatively middle class or wealthy area, don’t have some kind of self diagnosed anxiety/ disability etc, you’re called privileged ,out of touch, Etc. Trust me, my daughter is a child of her generation & couldn’t care less what color/gender/sexuality anyone is. We’re a left leaning, opened minded family for sure. She’s an adopted Asian (with disabilities) and has had her share of struggles but seeing that a couple of times made her nervous. It’s just so very specific but from different sites, different years. This is my youngest of 3 and my first two we deep dove and found fantastic schools that have been literally been THE school for them. We know to dismiss & wade thru the random, angry student reviews that you can chalk up to bad fit.
Did your daughter/son go to WW? If so, I’d love to hear what they say about this!

The kids at WWC are mostly very kind, but very left leaning and some are pretty activist. One of the tenets of a WWC education is giving back to the community. Community service is a requirement just like the work crews.

I’m not sure what you mean about “help”. I think there are folks from a variety of economic backgrounds. There are many kids whose families are paying full price. They can’t all get scholarships.

I saw one stat that over 50% of students ID as LGBTQ. Seems like a lot but I’m sure it’s up there. They do allow kids to have emotional support animals.

It’s a great school for environmental related studies. I don’t know about exercise science. They do a lot of outdoor stuff, so if she was interested in being a wilderness adventure leader WWC might be a great place. Big on mountain biking too. Lots of adventures like rock climbing, hiking, rafting, etc.

The campus is hilly. I’m sure there are accommodations for disabled students, but it might be more challenging for a student who uses a wheelchair to navigate than some other campuses that are flatter (not sure of her disability, but just an example).

Not that you asked about this, but I did not see many Asian kids at WWC. It is mostly white kids, with some black and Latino kids too. Might be some Asian kids and I just didn’t see them. There are kids from all over the US and maybe a few international students. Not sure. It’s a super small school but seems like a pretty special place.

It’s a great school for kids who are interested in the environment, sustainable living, sustainable farming, the outdoors, craft (blacksmithing is big), music, and hands on learning. They have a well-regarded MFA program in writing too. The most coveted work crew position is the farm crew. They raise their own cattle, pigs, and sheep.

It’s a pretty unique, special place. I can’t think of many other colleges like Warren Wilson.


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