<p>Anyone ever hear anything about this place other than it's full of environmentally bent "crazy liberals"?</p>
<p>Yes, there have been a number of posts in CC regarding Warren Wilson. Warren Wilson is one of six colleges that require students to work on campus. The work is supposed to help keep the cost of tuition down. Warren Wilson is known for their triad approach to education -- combining work, service, and academics and requiring all three in order to graduate. </p>
<p>In terms of academics, it is probably no surprise that environmental science, English, and art tend to be some of the more popular majors. Warren Wilson does have a fairly well known and respected MFA program in creative writing. The criticism that I have heard about the academics at Warren Wilson is that there is a segment of the students who do not take academics seriously. This is probably a valid concern, but obviously not limited to Warren Wilson. </p>
<p>From what I can tell, Warren Wilson tends to attract environmentally conscious, artsy students with a liberal bent. In terms of the type of student Warren Wilson attracts, I would guess that there is a fair amount of overlap with Hampshire, College of the Atlantic, Antioch, Evergreen, and Northland. If the question is, "do you have to be a pot smoking hippie in order to go to Warren Wilson?" -- I sense that the answer is probably no, but you will probably fit right in if you have gone to Bonnaroo the last 4 years. Also, I would guess that the attractiveness of the Triad approach to education would not be solely limited to "crazy liberals" (as you put it).</p>
<p>For the right student, I think that Warren Wilson would be a wonderful fit and that a student could receive a fantastic education. However, because of its uniqueness, I would think that any prospective student should definitely do an overnight before deciding to go there.</p>