Was anyone else surprised by the APUSH DBQ Time Period?

<p>I mean, it was so close to last year's DBQ time period. Usually they try to vary them up a little between consecutive years. I personally did not think they would do something in that era after having done it last year.</p>

<p>well i was surprised but I did fine. I planned and wrote according to my plan. I wrote the DBQ in 25 minutes.</p>

<p>My APUSH teacher's guesses were way off.</p>

<p>I was surprised, but I was also relieved, as I had studied fairly in depth for said time period.</p>

<p>I wished they talked about the actual thing rather than the effects of it afterward, cuz I remembered battles & everything for the actual thing, but I couldn't really incorporate it. I had way too much time left for the essays, I wish that time could've been used in MC. :(</p>

<p>Pleasantly, yes.</p>

<p>They just don't want you guys to think you can predict what the DBQ's going to be based on any sort of pattern. The stats kids would all ace it.</p>

<p>US history never really tells you to write about battles, its all about impacts... I thought the whole test was surprisingly easy. Easiest AP test that ive taken so far ever.</p>

<p>But the facts help..it won't focus on battles, but you use the battles to incorporate the ideas. Actually there was an MC question about a battle in that same time period.</p>

<p>Discussing the free response is illegal </p>

<p>Please proceed discussing :)</p>

<p>yeah but only sometimes, its not as if you need to know insignificant battles of the Revolutionary War. It seems that the questions always ask you to evaluate long lasting effects of significant events. I believe those are the trickiest questions as well.</p>

<p>No, discussing MC is illegal. I think we are allowed to discuss free response 48 hours after the test.</p>

<p>Yeah, MC is illegal, FRQs are open game 48 hours after test. However, you can discuss how well you think you did, how prepared you were, etc, and still be completely within the rules of acorn people.</p>

<p>Either way, no one is really saying anything that will help someone else..because A) they've already taken the test and B) if they haven't taken the test, they'll take a different form. The only MC question that has been divulged sorta is the one concerning the "Hot guy cartoon" thread. Ryan, you can use battles to lead the major events, like so and so support came from this battle. From support you can talk about economic support and from there you can talk about political reform..see where I'm going?</p>

<p>I guess French and Indian War prompt for last year threw some people off. But if Collegeboard made its DBQ way too predicatable and obvious, there would be no fun in guessing the topic each year.</p>

<p>I was mostly surprised in that everyone had guessed the wrong thing. But there WAS a pattern. If you look at the past years, there's a DBQ in this time period every 5 years and then the year after they do it right around the same time. And then theres another 5 year gap. Not sure if that holds up but its a nice start. I saw it initially but I didn't think it was real so I studied mostly what everyone else had predicted. Still, I really knew that period down for my FRQ question so I still think I did well.</p>