Was finding a good stylist ever an issue?

<p>Lol, yes, I said it. For African-American or any other ethnicity students: When applying to a college and looking at location, did you ever think about finding a new beautician/stylist?</p>

<p>I've always wanted to ask that on here. What about the students who will be at schools like Princeton and Harvard, predominantly white areas?</p>

<p>I'm just curious to know. (I know it's random, but I always think about it and wonder if others have considered it).</p>

<p>Maybe this is more of a female question, but guys can answer too lol.</p>

<p>I know it’s easy at Harvard and Yale because where there are cities, there are minorities.</p>

<p>Princeton, I’m not too sure about.</p>

<p>Lol, this was always one of the first questions I asked (wow, I sound superficial) when visiting college campuses, because I have no idea how to do a relaxer. Most black females are friendly about helping you if you ask them. Just go up to anyone with nice hair and… well, ask.</p>

<p>Lol I KNEW I wasn’t the only one. Thing is, I don’t have a perm. I haven’t had one since my freshman year (Oct. '06), and I’m fine without it. I rarely wear my hair curly (natural state); I just never liked chemicals and wanted my hair even longer (it’s like shoulder length). I just always wanted to know what you guys did on predominantly white campuses.</p>

<p>I had the EXACT same question! Haha…luckily for me, Facebook solved that problem! But like eating food said, campuses in the city shouldn’t be to difficult to find a place in.</p>

<p>I get perms and I can not do one myself (I’ve tried and failed miserably) so I asked the students on the campuses I’m interested in. Through my “ask and find” method I discovered that around the corner from one of the schools I’m interested in is a pretty reasonably priced stylist that can do perms :slight_smile: That school has moved up on my list of top choices</p>

<p>^ Lol that was funny
I think I wanna do that
Are there any good stylists at Princeton?</p>

<p>Usually on the east cost there is something around. but i hear Williams kids have real troubles since their college town is so small and so white. The best way to know is to ask the black kids on campus. i’ve asked this exact same question to current students and they totally understand.</p>

<p>I’m almost positive princeton has hairdressers. it’s in a fairly affluent area and in places like that there are usually one or two really good ones. and if not you can just catch a train the new york or philly and get it done there. everyone on campus had nice hair though so someone is doing it</p>

<p>i tend to see more natural styles on campuses but there are still alot of perms. i’ve never had a perm or relaxer ever in my life. i usually straighten it but i have the kind of hair that can be worn curly and i’m currently experimenting with that</p>

<p>^ same here. it’s annoying when people ask random ?s like “how did you get your hair so curly?” “are you mixed?” “how can i get my hair like that?” “did it take a long time?”</p>

<p>I’m trying to find a stylist at Princeton b/c I’ll be there for the summer. I ended up getting extensions, but I really don’t wanna have to do my hair by myself. There are only like 3 other black girls that’ll be there that I know of so far. I guess I’ll research a little more b/c the counselors won’t just let us leave and take a train…but I’m pretty sure we can venture around town.</p>

<p>I’ll be there over the summer too. are you staying on campus or just in the town?</p>

<p>On campus = ]</p>

<p>ooh as will i… well then… are you there for the whole summer or just a month or two. where are you staying?</p>

<p>I’ll be there from June 19 until August 9, and I’ll be staying in Witherspoon.</p>

<p>i’ll probably end up seeing you then. i’ll be there from july 18 to when school starts in sept. i’ll be in whitman along with some other frosh.</p>

<p>Yeah, most likely I will see you there. Cool!</p>

<p>Lol Beautiful Nerd! I swear when I saw this thread my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets because I was like: stylist + colleges = ***?! But I’m glad this was created because I’m going through the exact same thing to! My mom has been asking me how do I want to do my hair and I definitely want to do it natural (which I have for the past year or two). People say I should go back to braids (which I’ve worn most of my life), but my hair is growing so well now (I’m wearing a weave to ensure that) that I don’t want to go back to braids (it’s practically shoulder-length) :confused: I’m going to NYU so I’m bound to find someone in Manhattan (might be more expensive though).</p>

<p>^ Lol I knew it would be eye-catching…no one else asked, so I figure I might as well do it.</p>

<p>See Manhattan is expensive though. I think if some of the beauticians got a shop out there, they would have a lot more business than what they expected. My mom thinks when I move to New York, I’ll have to get a perm… (I hate perms…they burn lol…)</p>

<p>This is a great topic! lol I was thinking the same thing! My mom has been asking me about how I want my hair as well…I’m thinking braids. But my hair is shoulder length now, a little longer. But luckily, there is a hair salon on campus at UCF. And when I visited I saw some girls getting their hair permed and done. I was happy bc I can’t really do my hair by myself. lol I’ve never tried to perm it by myself. :smiley: I’m glad I wasnt the only one thinking about this. :)</p>

<p>Lol please don’t try to perm it yourself. It’s much safer to go natural or go with the braids, but since you’ve found a beautician, you’re good to go. Lmao. It’s so funny because I leave tomorrow for the summer, and there are only like 2 other black girls that I KNOW of that are coming. One of them might be my roommate, and she was like I need to find a black beautician that won’t make my hair fall out or nothing lol…I was rollin.</p>