Was our live virtual tour reflective of Tufts student body?

We are touring in person this summer. Tufts has a lot going for it, so my D is keeping an open mind. Tufts does have some work to do to improve the consistency and quality of student presentations, however. That said, our Georgetown tour guides were awesome, so it comes down to luck of the draw, I guess.

Definitely the luck of the draw. I would give it another chance. My brother is looking at colleges and getting ready to apply. We have some overlaps in schools and it’s funny…some colleges that were ruled out due to unfavorable tours etc…My parents are seeing in a different light due to better tours and info sessions. Northeastern is one.

I agree that Tufts has a lot going for it. Really good school in a great location. I’d encourage anyone who’s interested to seriously consider what it has to offer, and if the tour is blah, then look beyond it.

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“Look beyond” might be too strong. If you mean “put in context and give it less weight than other considerations,” then yes.

There are quantitative and qualitative factors that go into the decisions on where to apply. In this case, the objective criteria for Tufts is strong, but prospective applicants are trying to assess the campus culture and “feel,” too. There’s more than one way to do it, of course, but a tour is one of them.

With so many options on a college list, kids will sometimes strike a school based on an impression of fit — as noted above, “assess and move on.” Also, look at the post that started this thread. That experience should be hard to forget regardless of the counter-weighing considerations, even if we can speculate that the school’s chosen representatives on that session were not necessarily representative of the student body.

Our virtual tour wasn’t as bad as the OP’s, but it wasn’t favorable. Hoping the in-person goes better because the school is strong.


Speaking as a student…I love everything about the school!

The professors and administration have been amazing, especially during this COVID year. We had the entire year on campus with great testing protocols to keep us safe. To welcome back the class of 2024 they are giving us everything we missed out on as freshmen…opening ceremonies etc…

The student body is friendly and welcoming. The food options are great with lots of themed meals. The student association ran as many “fun” activities that COVID would allow.

I can go on and on but you need to visit for yourself and don’t let one bad impression form your judgement. Last year’s acceptance was 11% and with good reason.


Um, yes, that’s basically a summation of what I wrote.