Was test optional, ultimately, a disservice to kids or was it the right choice?

Got in ED T10 with no test scores.


How coool! :smiley: Congratsss, which school?

I found this blog post from a director of college counseling called “the truth behind ‘test-optional’ is testing is optional!”


No worries, the Duke alumni interview is practically meaningless. They don’t have your students file and can’t take any docs (e.g. resume). It’s more about keeping the alum connected to college and “marketing” the college to prospective student. I’m sure your student did just fine. Good luck!

Sounds like my son and his friends. My son took the SAT the summer before junior year to get it out of the way. He got his desired score so it was one and done. He also took several SAT subject tests. All his friends also took the SAT- some of us went to a neighboring state to do so, which I understand is not an option for everyone. None of them got into the T20’s they applied to ED or EA. These are also kids with great grades, EC’s, community service etc. I figure colleges HAVE to accept kids who didn’t submit scores, otherwise it looks like they’re favoring kids who did test. So kids who would never have scored high enough to even think about applying to a T20 now have a chance.

Admissions at Harvard were up about 40%, so it’s tougher for everyone now. Maybe next year things will settle down.

My son just got into a very competitive school as well as his safeties, so he will have options. But yeah, it’s a tough year.

My D22 attended a virtual UCLA admissions presentation this week and was told all UCs will be test blind starting in 2022. She was relieved- her PSAT and all SAT sessions have been canceled so far.


It was mentioned previously that this year being test optional has impacted applications at certain schools as is confirmed by this article.

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My guess is that most test optional colleges will follow students admitted without test scores. If their retention and graduation rates are comparable to those admitted with test scores then test optional will continue. If not, they will go back to requiring the tests.


Top colleges are not expanding enrolment. There may be many students this year who are closed out of options.


3 posts were split to a new thread: How did your kids fare applying test optional?