Was there a change in housing selection dates?

<p>My ds put his deposit down prior to the Feb 1 deadline. We did this precisely so he could participate in early room selections. The email he received earlier stated: </p>

<p>Students that submit Housing applications before February 1 will likely be able to participate in the online room selection process (which will occur in April); however, students that submit Housing applications after February 1 may be placed and not afforded the opportunity to participate in the online room selection process.</p>

<p>The one he received today said May 8th as his date:</p>

<p>Welcome to The University of Alabama! We look forward to having you as a member of our campus community in 2014/2015. Your room selection login time is shown above. Please note, UA is located in the central time zone, and all times listed with regard to room selection will always be Central Standard Time. Online room selection will be open on May 1st, 6th, and 8th. Room selection will remain open each night until 7:00 a.m. CST the following morning. Once you have access to room selection, you may return to it any time that it is open.</p>

<p>He is an honors student, too. If that makes any difference.</p>

<p>I am confused by the conflicting emails. </p>


<p>The room selections for incoming freshman this upcoming year do not begin until 5/1/14. I believe they were earlier (April) last year.</p>

<p>I just got off the phone with housing. They said this is room selection, not room assignment, but that it is not beginning until May 1st. (Clarifying in an email would have been helpful bc the information most definitely conflicts!)</p>