Washing Machine & Water Dispenser

<p>I haven't move into the dorm yet but I'm interested in UW's state-of-the-art washing machine, what's so special about it? Where do you get laundry detergent? </p>

<p>Is the water dispenser easily accessible?</p>

<p>what dorm are you living in? I haven't heard anything about "new" machines, but perhaps maybe in the new dorms there are.</p>

<p>In the rest of the residence halls they have normal wash & dry, in the basements usually. You pay with your campus ID card, which comes off of your campus cash account. Last year it was $2.00 to wash, dry was free.</p>


<p>you need bigger things to worry about. don't worry it'll come :)</p>

<p>I just checked with res halls. I think all dorms are the same this year- easy to ask by calling them. Front loaders, therefore he-Tide a good choice (high efficiency),fabric softener dispensers to use at start of wash--just like home for son. You could go to a laundromat or Sears to see how front loaders look. Bring powder or liquid, buy it at the discount stores or grocery store. Same prices as last year, all dorms on Wiscard this year, I believe.</p>