Washington 2011 Students, Post up!

<p>Greets all, I accepted Washington a day ago and will be attending this fall. I am coming all the way from northern california bay area with a friend, and will be studying business with a minor in environmental policy (law) most likely.</p>

<p>What were your stats?</p>

<p>thats tight congrats. I'm also going to be a freshman next fall at UW. What are you thinking housing wise? dorms or frats?</p>

<p>I am doing dorms for first year, and then will look into a frat if I get into the business school and am interested in greek life. I applied for terry/lander because I heard its the best traditional dorm experience even though the buildings are kinda crappy looking. Im proud to say that my stats arent that great. I had a 3.39 UW gpa, 3.61 Weighted, but I had a 1920 SAT and tons of extracurriculars. I am not exaggerating when I mean tons. I have hundreds of hours invested in community service, jobs, religious activities, president of the environmental club, etc etc. I ran out slots to write my extra curricular activities, so I just chose what was the most important.</p>