Washington & Lee Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Hi, the W&L is a bit different from others I’ve seen.

When you click on your admission decision link and it brings you to the letter with confetti, scroll aaaallll the way to the bottom. There should be a link saying ‘Financial Aid Letter’. Open that one and then on the top you will have to click the arrow to flip through the pages. :slight_smile:


May I ask what is the NPC?

NPC = Net Price Calculator, they can be found on the college websites or some are on the collegeboard website (advantage there is you can safe your info and do not have to re-enter it for the various colleges).

Welcome to the college search abbreviation & acronym lingo :slight_smile: It was a learning process for us too.

Adding to @baerli, here is the link to W&Ls NPC


So many acronyms that they made a pinned thread about it:


I would absolutely get on the wait list. They are a top value school, and for my accepted child, they matched UVA’s aid within $100. We are an upper middle class family, but well below W&L’s median income. If you don’t think you can afford it, you probably qualify for great aid with no loans. I grew up lower middle class, and when I went there, I was waitlisted and eventually accepted within two weeks. That was even before it was need blind, which it is now. It turned out to be the cheapest and most competitive place to go including my instate school options. Best of luck.


The acceptance rate for waitlist is less than 1%.


Did he/she get accepted?

Congrats! Do you plan to attend?


Anyone know when they start pulling from waitlist?

Yeah, I have no interest to stay on it. Good to know though!

With those scholarship options, I don’t blame you! Congrats! Good luck wherever you land. :grinning:

Thanks! Hoping for some good news with the schools I have left this week, but if not I’m content with what I have––visiting ND for admitted students days too and I’m hoping that’ll help! :smiley:


I don’t know for sure when they start pulling from the waitlist but my guess is it will work something like this ( caveat- this is all speculation):

They won’t start pulling until at least the RD decision deadline has passed (I think that’s May 1?).

After the decision deadline they’ll have a better feel for the number of open spots they’ll have, if any. Then I’d guess they’ll determine if they want to try to balance the class somehow (orchestra needs an oboe, can we add anyone from Montana, how are we on diversity, etc)

They probably want as close to 100% yield off the waitlist as they fine tune the class, so I highly suggest demonstrating continued interest.

Last year they admitted more students than they targeted (484 vs 459 prior year). That cramped the freshman dorms a bit. That also led to fewer WL admissions. Only 11, which was pointed out above as 1% of the waitlist. I’d speculate they’d offer fewer RD this year, but perhaps more WL so they can better manage class size. I think that oversubscription was experienced by many selective colleges last year, leading to larger class sizes and fewer WL admissions. This year I feel like I’m reading about greater numbers put on WL as a result, but maybe I’m just seeing that because I’m more sensitive to the subject.

Good luck to everyone out there. Regardless where you land you can excel.

DS admitted. Engineering. (800m750v 4.0/4.0 unweighted Chemistry Olympiad Varsity Wrestling Band) Very Excited. W&L is so much more than it’s outstanding academics.


My DD is a senior at W&L, her year they told the class that they never even went to the waitlist, although I heard after maybe 2 came off. Congratulations to everyone accepted! It’s an amazing place and I know my daughter is sad that her four years in this special place is coming to an end!


Hey anyone got any news about the waitlist?

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Does anyone know how W&L notifies the students of a portal update? Email? And is it any time of the day or like at 4:30 pm?

Email. They closed the waitlist for international student at April 30, and I received an email asking me to check my portal around 4:30 pm. Good luck with the decision!