Washu Spring 2009 Transfer

<p>Has any one heard back from Washu? My app was completed on the 22. oct and the 30 day period is approaching. i'm getting nervous since i haven't heard anything yet.</p>

<p>i responded you earlier in another column…</p>

<p>just contacted the application processor and she said all will receive their decision by early next week.</p>

<p>Mine was completed on Oct.27 and I got my admission package Nov.19. I am about to check my mail box for the financial aid forms…lil’le bit worried about that.</p>

<p>update…just checked my mail box. no financial aid form yet.</p>

<p>fontia…did u mean that all applicants will get the results by the thanxgiving break?</p>

<p>I just got my acceptance letter! </p>

<p>Applied & Accepted: Wash U
Entering as: Spring Sophomore, Engineering
Current college: George Washington
College GPA: 3.7
HS GPA: 3.9
College ECs: interpreter, french club, research …</p>

<p>gweng, did you receive you financial package yet? did you apply need-base?</p>

<p>No, I have not received the financial aid stuff. I did apply (for quite a lot $). I called and emailed them last week. They said they were still generating the awards and that I should get the information early this week. But by far I have not got any official notification on that :/</p>

<p>that is so slow…I am surprised that they are procrastinating like this…maybe they are just too busy with freshman ED applicants. I assume that they reviewed your financial conditions before admitting you, so they will make sure that they can offer enough aid for you to enroll…good luck!</p>

<p>so i found out my finaid yesterday… i posted it somewhere else in case anybody’s interested. I am not whining about it.</p>