<p>where do you find out what your wavenet ID and password are? i cant find anyway to register for it, and they havent sent me an email with my information (i already applied). thanks in advance :]</p>
<p>After i applied, i was looking for it too! it told me to log into wavenet to see the status of my app but they didn’t even give me a screename and password. but after i looked way back at my email…it was sent back in like august. idk why lol. but it had my sn and password info there. </p>
<p>btw what was your stats and stuff? I really want to go to Pepperdine! But i think my chances are really slim bc of my test scores…</p>
<p>grr! ive been sifting through over 100 pages of emails, and i cant find it! i tried narrowing it down by searching for emails from Pepperdine specifically but its still not there. could you by any chance tell me where the email was from specifically? because some of the emails are from admission, seaver, or pepperdine. also, did it get sent to you after you started an application on the common app website?</p>
<p>well im a freshman transfer, so we might be in different boats but:
hs GPA-3.75 ish
college GPA- 3.85</p>
<p>my stats arent too bad, im mostly worried about my EC’s…what other colleges are you interested in?</p>
<p>(thanks for your reply btw)</p>
<p>How long does it take to receive your wavenet?</p>
<p>Okay so I looked at the specific email i got and its from Pepperdine University with the title of the email, “WaveNet Account Credentials.” and it was sent on august 30th. The email says “Your WaveNet account was successfully created. The username is ***** and the password is ******.” </p>
<p>My friend from pepperdine invited me to use the guest features of his wavenet account so then i had to make a wavenet myself…somehow. I dont remember so much sorry! it was long ago, but im pretty sure i made the account myself through the site somehow. you might wanna look if theres like a registration thing or you can call the office! they’re really nice whenever i call…</p>
<p>Oh and Im a freshman transfer too! So we are on the same boat. My hs gpa was really low, 3.3-ish…and sat scores were low too My first semester of college was a 3.86 so im hoping that my college gpa along with my essays could really help me out. I also had lots of EC’s and leadership in HS and college so hopefully that can outweigh my grades…?? sigh, i know it would be like nearly impossible for me to get in but doesn’t hurt to just apply.
I also applied to LMU and Chapman. What about you? Sorry long post!</p>
<p>michaln-i dont know about other people, but about 2 days after i submitted my application, Pepperdine sent me an email telling me that i would get an email in a few days with my wavenet info. sure enough, a day after i got the initial email, i got the second email and -voila!- i now have a wavenet account! good luck</p>
<p>korhawaus-no worries, Pepperdine just emailed me with my password/ID. its weird that they sent it after i applied, most people online said they got the email when they started an application…but whatever!</p>
<p>hmm well during the summer, i took a tour of Pepperdine, and an admissions counselor took some time to answer our questions. she said that they weigh grades, test scores, and extra curriculars equally. so it sounds like you have a decent chance with your high college GPA and EC’s. hopefully they see how much youve improved since high school, and they seem to really consider the person’s character, not just grades (im basing this on the type of question they ask for the essay part of the app.) </p>
<p>i also am applying to LMU and USC…which is your first choice? mine is USC, with Pepp and LMU being my backup/safety schools.</p>
<p>Yeah, hopefully they really take my improvement and leadership a consideration. And honestly, I dont really have a first, second, third choice. I’m just going to see which ones i get accepted to and evaluate in the end…I know its bad, but im just scared that i might get rejected to all three, which is what happened in HS. Well, i applied to different schools but i got rejected to all so i had to stay at home…
I’m at the University of Hawaii btw. So hopefully, this time I get accepted to at least one. I would be honored to attend any one of my schools that i applied to, so i hope things work out! </p>
<p>You said you toured the campus…how was it? I know its really beautiful, but what did you feel? Can you imagine yourself there?</p>
<p>Oh and also, when you log into wavenet, what is your status? Mine still says incomplete. And on the to do list, it says, college transcript, HS transcript, and both academic and personal recommendations. I sent all those in in mid december…so idk whats going on. I called and the lady said that they have a bunch of papers that’s still not yet processed…I hope my things are at their office waiting to be processed and it didn’t get lost in the mail…</p>
<p>Nevermind I recieved my login today! But yeah the campus is amazing</p>
<p>korhawaus- im in the same boat; i only applied to 2 universities in hs and was rejected from both, so i got stuck at home and stuck in a community college. i dont think its bad that you dont have a #1 school, because that is often a recipe for disaster, and since you are in hawaii, you cant exactly visit the campuses and decide which one you like best! once you get your acceptances, then you can worry about which one to choose ;]</p>
<p>like everyone says, Pepperdine is beautiful, but its beauty has nothing to do with its vibe. in highschool, i didnt even apply to it because i hated the super religious, snobby, rich kid reputation it had. but after visiting it, i can say i really regret not applying. the people there seemed very nice (though there were a few of those fake/superficial types, but every university is bound to have a few of them). i could really imagine myself there because of its small population and it seems to have a really tight knit community (ive never been to social). but the good vibes i got from it are really personal, it depends on what you like. its a dry campus, so if youre a partyer i guess itd be boring for you there. also its mostly white and conservative, and there is some sort of religious requirement thing…so it really depends on your preferences and what kind of university experience you are looking for :] did that answer your question? hahah if it didnt id be glad to try and answer that or any other question you have about my campus visit. </p>
<p>when i log into wavenet, my status is incomplete, but there is nothing under the to do list…hmm when you called, did you tell her that youre in Hawaii? maybe call again, explain the stuation, and ask them whether you should wait, or just send them again.</p>
<p>good luck, and let us know what happens!</p>
<p>michaln-im glad you got your login, though i still dont know why we got ours after submitting while others got theirs when they started their apps. ah well, better late then never i guess ;]</p>
<p>hey veggiechips.
Yeah, my home institution right now has over 18,000 undergrads. its WAY too big for me honestly. almost all my classes last semester had +200 students in it. so it was really hard for me to concentrate and on top of that, i really wanted a more personalized education, which sorta led me to pepperdine. i know they have a small-knit community like you said, so thats definitely one of the major reasons for applying there. and also, the whole religious thing…i mean, im not religious at all…well i consider myself a christian but i dont really practice though, so im not too serious. idk if that makes sense lol. but im really open to the whole religious thing if i go to pepperdine and i would be glad actually to learn more about being a christian there and stuff i guess. </p>
<p>oh and did you recently submit your app? because the first few days after i submitted my application, mines also said ‘incomplete’ with nothing under the ‘to do’ list. then i waited about a week, four things popped up under the ‘to do’ list. and when i called, i didn’t tell her i was calling from Hawaii but she said that theres a bunch of papers that still need to be processed so i can either just wait, or try and send it again. but i mean…im not gonna send all those again lol. im pretty sure they are just waiting to get processed…i guess ill have to wait and see. </p>
<p>anyways, thanks for the info about the campus! it was helpful and makes me want to go to pepp even more. man, this waiting is killing me. they said they send out letters in April right? so long >.<</p>
<p>holy crap, 200 people a class? i really dont like that, i come from a school where the teachers know your name, last name, and family haha. i dont think id like a class of so many people. but then again, pepperdine might be <em>too</em> small and tight knit for me…i come from a small school where everyone is in everyone else’s business, and im kinda worried that might also be the case in pepperdine. i guess we’ll just have to wait and see! im the same regarding religion, im not very religious (though i am christian) but i am interested in learning more about it, and dont really mind the required religious stuff. out of curiosity, what did you write your pepperdine essay about? itd be interesting to know what a fellow not-especially-christian person wrote in response to that super-christian prompt hahaha. </p>
<p>yes, i submitted my application on friday, the day it was originally due before they extended the due date. i just checked my wavenet, and it still says incomplete, but there are no to do’s or holds. so yeah it kinda sounds like they just havent processed either of our materials. but in your case, id just want to make sure that they didnt get lost in the mail, because that would really suck :-[</p>
<p>haha im glad it was helpful! have you checked out the videos/tour things on pepperdine’s website? they have vids of the cafeteria and some of the dorms, its cool :-]</p>
<p>im actually not sure when the acceptances are supposed to come in the mail, april sounds kinda early to me though, but its possible! whenever the date is, its gonna seem like FOREVER before they get here…</p>
<p>yeah 200 people lecture is pretty ridiculous right?! well i am at a state school so i guess its expected. at first i wanted a huge university, but when i finally experienced it, its really not my thing. its pretty hard to meet people for me since the school is so big, everyone is just so individual and just doing their own thing. plus, i commute to school so i didn’t really get the whole freshman experience at the dorms which i was really sad about. my school is like a commuter school…most students get on campus, go to class, and get out. i hateeeeee that. </p>
<p>and about the prompt on the supplement…it was pretty hard for me to come up with something legit because obviously…i dont know much about the whole religion thing. i wrote about how like faith and service are inseparable and that they are like a cycle and stuff. you give and you are given back, with some verses from the bible here and there lol. i just kind of BS’d my way through that…idk it might have been bad what did you write about? </p>
<p>and yeah, i really hope my mail didn’t get lost that would totally suck. and i did check the tours and stuff on the website. it looks super nice! the only thing about pepperdine is that its in malibu. my friend goes to pepp and he said that theres absolutely nothing to do on campus and around malibu. they go to LA like all the time. if i was to go to LMU, it would be much better because of the location i guess, but i like pepperdine better as a school…</p>
<p>oh sorry long post…but what major are you? I’m a public relations major.</p>
<p>ugh id really hate that 200 person lecture, its really impersonal and discourages participation. but i guess some people are into that. at first, i wanted a big university as well, but i didnt realize hwo hard it would be for me to survive there because im not a very social person. but now id prefer a medium sized college, but the size is not the most important factor in this case. </p>
<p>i HATE commuter college. its so boring and just like high school! there’s no unity or school spirit. i was really sad about missing out on the freshman dorm experience as well, especially since one of my closest friends is living at UCI now (6 hrs away). everytime she talks about her dorms i get so jealous and wish i had that too :-[ but i think at pepperdine sophomores get dorms too (i could be wrong though) so yeah. </p>
<p>good luck with the mail thing! yeah i prefer pepperdine to LMU as well.</p>
<p>im not sure, but i might be a psychology major. what do public relations majors do, career wise?</p>
<p>Ooooo psychology major. lots of my friends are psych majors too. im taking psychology 100 now and its a bit hard lol. anyway, public relations is kinda a broad field. Its one career possibility that falls under communications but PR is like working with clients to promote that company. Kinda hard to explain, theres no single definition…but PR people is like the people that is in between the public and the company. So its my job basically to make the company look good. I’m not too sure what exactly i want to do, but i want to work in the Entertainment field of PR, which is one of the reasons why i want to transfer to Pepp or LMU, i mean LA is like right there…so much more opportunities for me there than in U of Hawaii for the entertainment field. And my current school doesn’t offer a PR major. What about you? whats your reason for transferring…i mean other than like the size and stuff?..If its too personal, its ok. </p>
<p>And yeah i agree…commuter colleges have no spirit and it is really boring. but i mean, i guess its what you make out of the experience…And i know exactly what you mean about your friend at UCI with dorms and everything. Alot of my friends went to the mainland for college and i was really, and i mean really, jealous. lol. It just made me wanna work that much harder and i hope everything works out for the better…? I need to be optimistic lol. </p>
<p>Oh and btw, i think you have a really good chance at Pepperdine. I mean, your test scores and gpa are really impressive. Mine aren’t too good…</p>
<p>ooh thats interesting! i think one of my friends is going into entertainment type PR as well. yeah i guess if youre gonna go into a business like that, Malibu is the right place to start haha</p>
<p>well im attending a community college; which means the highest degree you can get is an Associate’s degree. its a 2 year school and its kinda designed for people to transfer out. its not a real university ;]</p>
<p>commuter colleges are LAME. especially if youre looking for that real college experience. ugh its terrible, everytime i talk to her i just want to run away and live as a stowaway in her dorm hahaha. but that must be crazy for you, with friends so far away…i mean she’s just a few hour drive from me. thats really great though, that you got motivated to work hard and get outta there. you sound pretty qualified for pepperdine and lmu, but if things dont work out, youre only a couple semesters away from trying again! and then you would be a regular transfer and your lower hs scores will not be considered, so as long as you continue improving in college, youre as good as in :-]</p>
<p>thanks, i was a semi-nerd in hs (not that it got me in anywhere >_<). but yeah they really like to see improvement, so theyll love it when they see how much youve improved since high school!</p>
<p>Oh…you didn’t tell me you were going to a CC! I totally understand your situation. Of course you have to transfer if you want a bachelors degree. And i know what you mean when you said that if things dont work out, i can always transfer as Junior. But honestly, i would die if that happened lol. I really, really dont want to stay another semester and the school is basically a setback for my future. I mean they dont even offer the major i want and i really need to head to LA for the entertainment business. Honestly, hawaii dont offer me anything when it comes to my career. :/</p>
<p>Ya and in HS, i grad with like a 3.2 and took some AP’s in senior year and did pretty horrible because i was slacking seriously, senioritis got the best of me! really regret it though because it didn’t get me into LMU…haha. oh i didn’t tell you, i applied to LMU my senior year of HS…got rejected. i understand why though. But i got a 3.86 for the first semester of college…i feel like its not enough though you know? like they would at least want two semesters worth of that gpa. sigh, we’ll see in a couple months…Oh and just curious but do you know why you got rejected to your schools in HS? i mean your SAT and gpa looks really good…</p>
<p>oh oops, i thought i mentioned it! yeah transferring as a junior is a possibiilty and my back up plan, but i really REALLY really dont want to do that. im applying to lmu, pepperdine, and usc. lmu is a backup (i dont think id attend it). pepperdine is an alternative to usc at this point. usc is my #1 choice, but i wouldnt mind going to pepperdine, so if i got into pepperdine and not usc, id most probably go to pepperdine…i think.</p>
<p>if i ended up having to stay at a CC another year, i think id go crazy…plus i want to spend 3 years at a university, not just 2 :-[</p>
<p>yeah it sounds like coming to LA for PR stuff is your best bet.</p>
<p>awww, well whats done iss done, but you shouldd be proud of yourself for improving so much! thats true, that theyd like to see several semesters of good GPA, but theyll also love the improvement you showed from hs, so i think that, combined with some good ECs and a great essay should give you a pretty good chance at acceptance. </p>
<p>in hs i only applied to UCLA and USC because my parents wanted me close to home. but i got rejected from both, and i think it wsa because of my lack of extra curricular activities. so i worked on that over the summer and am gonna have to play them up this time around so guess we’ll see…</p>
<p>Yeah i totally know what you mean when you say you want to spent 3 years at a University. For me, i want to experience college at its best for 3 years, not 2. and yeah, hopefully they see my improvement, even though it was only a semester
Well, i think that you have a really good chance at usc and pepp. you’re probably in lmu for sure. i would love to go to usc too but right now, im just not good enough lol. if i don’t get accepted this time around…im gonna apply to more competitive schools as a junior. like BU, NYU, USC…but right now im just not in that league. </p>
<p>oh so you’re from socal then? i really love it up there. never been to san fran(just a layover lol) but in general, i feel like california is for me! it feels homely. i guess not too far from home, and not too close to home. oh have you submitted your lmu app yet? i already submitted mine but i know its not due til like march 15…</p>
<p>yeah…im already really upset that i may never get the chance to dorm :-[ haha thanks for your positivity. yeah, you could go really far after another few semesters of doing great, but its at the expense of only having 2 years to get the college experience. </p>
<p>yep! im from LA, never been to san fran, unfortunately. id like to go there for grad school though…maybe :-]</p>
<p>thats good that it feels homely to you. how long have you ever stayed here for? and how long would the flight from hawaii be? haha no way. i still havent turned in the usc app thats due tomorrow :-X ill worry about lmu when its due date is nearer.</p>