We Have Finished Preliminary Review?

<p>Does any one else status read "We Have Finished Preliminary Review?" and if so does this mean anything in terms of likelyhood of scholarship?</p>

<p>Preliminary Review means that they’ve looked at your app to make sure all is complete (at least that’s what was indicated last year). It’s possible that at this stage they may put some applications aside for future scholarship review, but it doesn’t mean anything in terms of likelihood. Everyone will have a Preliminary Review.</p>

<p>where do you check app status anyway?</p>

<p>it just showed up when i signed in to my application</p>

<p>Yeah, I think got a little too excited when I saw that my status changed so quickly. Too bad it doesn’t mean anything.</p>

<p>Go here [USC</a> Undergraduate Admission - Application Status Check](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/status_check.html]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/status_check.html)</p>

<p>ahh does anyone from last year know if this has any significant meaning?
does anyones status not say this?</p>

<p>read post #2, no significant meaning. Don’t worry if your status doesn’t say this, it just means they haven’t get to your app yet. Remember, there are going to be around 36000 apps to sort through.</p>

<p>And there are going to be around 36000 posts theorizing about what the various status messages mean :slight_smile: This thread makes me chuckle because it reminds me of how crazy it got last year, with everyone trying to read the proverbial tea leaves every time someone’s status changed. Though much brain power was devoted to the task of analyzing status, no definitive answer was produced. But you guys will have fun speculating, in any event.</p>

<p>My status just changed to:</p>

<p>“We have received and are currently reviewing your application. We recommend you check here occasionally for an update on the status of your application.”</p>

<p>Does this means that all additional materials (recommendations, score reports, etc.) have been received?</p>

<p>Let’s not start this year what does this status mean. It will drive you and others crazy. BTW, some colleges, you don’t know that you are admitted or denied until you receive an email notice or a big envelope in the mail.</p>

<p>There was so much discussion about “The Statuses” last year, and in the end it really didn’t “mean” anything. Don’t drive yourself crazy - just ignore the statuses! Here is a tiny sample of the dozens of threads from last year:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/470940-theory-statuses-formulated-quixotic-rick-i.html?highlight=theory+statuses[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/470940-theory-statuses-formulated-quixotic-rick-i.html?highlight=theory+statuses&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/473627-experiment-test-theory.html?highlight=theory+statuses[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/473627-experiment-test-theory.html?highlight=theory+statuses&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/470666-i-m-still-being-reviewed-status-thread.html?highlight=theory+statuses[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/470666-i-m-still-being-reviewed-status-thread.html?highlight=theory+statuses&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/472721-anyone-whose-status-hasn-t-been-updated-since-jan.html?highlight=theory+statuses[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/472721-anyone-whose-status-hasn-t-been-updated-since-jan.html?highlight=theory+statuses&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>We’re barely into the second week of December and the status thing is already ongoing. I hate to think what it will be like 3 months from now. FauxNom is right, there may well be 36000 posts on this by the time this crazy subject is over and done with.</p>

<p>this really isn’t about statuses… at least I think not, but does anyone know how long you should wait after you know your material has been delievered to start worrying if your status still says their missing stuff… I was thinking two weeks? maybe 3 cause they have so many applications</p>

<p>Bumpity Rumpity.</p>

<p>Mine still says that it is currently under review… If you have any doubts though, I would suggest that you call to confirm that they have everything. I faxed in my counselor/teacher forms and transcripts in mid-November, received e-mail confirmation that they received both, yet when I called two weeks later to make sure there wasn’t something else that I was missing, their computers showed that they never received either of the pieces that I had faxed. Luckily my counselor had made a few copies of the fax so we were able to send it via snail mail the next day, but it was still a little bit crazy that I got confirmation when, in fact, they had not received it. You can be sure that I’ll be calling for all my future apps!</p>

<p>Good luck, you guys! I’m excited to see how this turns out…</p>

<p>It changed on Friday… says they have everything and my applicaiton is now under review blah blah blah… I just want to know already!</p>

<p>You have approximately four and a half months to wait; I suggest you do something more productive with your time.</p>

<p>^ yeah, like spending your time on CC.</p>

<p>haha waiting sucks</p>