We should make an AP tier list for fun

<p>Since so many people are talking about "the hardest and the easiest AP's"...</p>

<p>We should vote and make an AP tier list for fun</p>

<p>How about we vote for the hardest and easiest (in our opinions) and pass on the counts?</p>

<p>I vote AP English literature the hardest and AP human geography the easiest.</p>

<p>Hardest: Eng. Lit : 1</p>

<p>Easiest: HG : 1</p>

<p>yes... as you can see, I'm bored.</p>

<p>I know people are totally going to think I'm out of my mind for listing APUSH as easiest, but I honestly thought I got a one. I had no idea on many MC ques, and I completely went off topic on the essays. Thanks goodness I can BS. I got a 3 when I thought I got a 1, so I listed it as easiest.
Bio was rough on me; I got a 2. The FRQ was heck, and the MC was cut short by my counselor (yes I know that she wasn't supposed to do that and that it's not the test's fault, but I can't help that I'm bitter :().</p>

Eng. Lit : 1
Bio: 1</p>

HG : 1
U.S. History: 1</p>

Eng. Lit : 1
Bio: 1
Eng. Lang: 1</p>

HG : 1
U.S. History: 1
Calculus BC:1 (Have you seen the pass rate?)</p>

<p>Easiest: None of them, but English(es), history, and environmental weren't bad</p>

<p>Hardest: Calculus, anything having to do with math</p>

Eng. Lit : 1
Bio: 1
Eng. Lang: 1</p>

HG : 1
U.S. History: 1
Calculus BC:1 (Have you seen the pass rate?)
Euro: 1</p>

<p>you want to judge based on distributions and passing rate then English language is definitely the hardest out there.</p>

<p>the 2006 bio was damn easy, the only test I got a 5 on (and I took 6 tests over 2 years). The english lit I agree with though, I thought I did well but only scored a 3.</p>

<p>Hardest: Chem and English Lit</p>

<p>Easiest: Calc AB (2006)</p>

<p>Hardest: Lang, world, Calc
Easiest: Bio</p>

We should make an AP tier list for fun


<p>Ha, we really shouldn't, because, well, it's not fun. :D</p>

<p>Well.. here is my personal opinon from the fourteen AP's (counting AB subscore) I've taken.</p>

<p>Hardest: Spanish Language.. oy! Was my only 3 till Government blew in my face... but Gov wasn't that hard!</p>

<p>Easiset: Stats, Environmental, Calc AB</p>

<p>Hardest: Physics and Euro</p>

<p>Easiest: Bio, both the Calculus exams (AB and BC)</p>

<p>Hardest: Physics C</p>

<p>Easiest: Calc AB, Environmental, US History</p>

Eng. Lit : 2
Bio: 1
Eng. Lang: 2
Calculus BC: 1
Chem: 1
Physics B: 1
Physics C (Mech): 1
Physics C (E&M): 2
Spanish Language: 1</p>

Human Geography : 1
U.S. History: 1
Calculus AB: 2
Calculus BC:1
Euro: 1
English Lit: 1
Bio: 3
Psychology: 1
Statistics: 1</p>

<p>You people are all doing this wrong. I'll start a new topic so we don't end up with just Eng lang as the hardest by far with human geo as the easiest by far.</p>

<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=369352%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=369352&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>