Weather at UMich

Hi guys,

I was wondering how the weather during the overall year. What bothers me is not so much the temperature but more the sunshine/overcast part. It could be -20 C, as long as there’s sun I don’t care. But i’m scared -20 C and overcast gets depressing after a while. I know I shouldn’t chose a university for it’s weather, but it’s still something to consider imo.

I’ll be visiting next month btw.

Thanks for your comments

Michigan winters are cold. There is no escaping that. The last two winters were inordinately cold mind you, but even mild winters at Michigan tend to be cold. Then again, winters in most of the Midwest and Northeast would be just as cold. I had no trouble adjusting to Michigan winters, and I grew up in one of the warmest cities on earth!

@Alexandre Thanks for your replay, and is there sun ? I mean is it cold and sunny or is it like London…

It was very cold the last couple weeks, but it was mostly sunny. Yesterday it was a kind of warm (40s in F, below 10°C) but it was cloudy. Indeed, it is only cloudy or snowing when there is a transition between warm and cold. One the cold front has passed, it would be sunny as there is not much moisture behind it.

I was at UM spanning two academic years. My experience may have been unusual but after growing up in Connecticut and going to school in the Boston area, Michigan’s winter was not especially noteworthy. During my period of attendance there were very few overcast days. If you check the monthly averages, the days month over month are really not that far different from a city like New York…the big difference is in the tails of the distribution: winter lasts a bit longer truncating spring, and comes a bit sooner, truncating fall (both relative to other cities). If you are familiar with Boston and Chicago, it isn’t that different; if you are from Miami (or Dubai), that is a different story.

My S who is a freshman at Michigan grew up in Phoenix and had never experienced any cold weather. He has managed well. Doesn’t love the real bad cold but doesn’t think it is a big deal. (Didn’t mind the 80 degree weather here on Spring Break, however). Don’t know that much about how sunny it is.

meriks, along with winter comes cloudiness. Again, nothing unusual. Michigan is not as overcast as London or Seattle, but you will have some cloud cover most days.

Thanks for all the replies