<p>With the bad weather hitting Kings Point/NY this afternoon and hundreds of flights cancelled, is there a possibility the academy will stay open to allow students a place to stay after 8:00 AM tomorrow? Or is there a possibility they could close the school now to allow midshipment to try and get home?</p>
<p>They will let them stay, they are not that unfair there</p>
<p>Delta cancelled my son’s flight until tomorrow evening. His barracks are going to be fumigated tomorrow morning so he’ll have a long day at the airport.</p>
<p>same thing happened a couple of years ago. KP was being shut down for maintenance/fumigation…then Denver was hit with 3 blizzards in a row, a la no flights in or out. Originally my son was told that they (Frontier) might be able to get him a flight in somewhere around Dec 27, but that was it. He pulled a few favors and got the first flight back and made it just in time :). The school was cool about it and MSGT Hauser (Gunny at the time) was running with it. I talked to him several times and he took care of business. We made friends with a family in Islip, so they let him bunk there for a couple of days and helped him get to LGA as needed. (That’s a major kudo to the KP families out there…always willing to help!).</p>
<p>A few of you may remember the Denver Christmas blizzard 2006. All I can say it all worked out however its not enjoyable , especially for those Plebes from faraway places who haven’t been home since July. We live in the west and after 2 trips home with stopovers in the middle of the country where bad weather happens, we decided to pay the extra $200 a ticket to fly direct across the country with a regional airline to home. Old Man Winter has outsmarted us again. Not sure when our favorite Mid will be showing up now. Here’s the positive spin on the story - he’s now a very seasoned traveler having made several wacko trips home and getting himself around the world during his Sea Year. He knows how to take care of himself and he has a number of Academy pals in the NY Metro area that are more than willing to help him out. Mama, Lil’ Brother and I sure don’t like it but this time it’s just a matter of disappointment and not the feeling of despair that hit us 2 years ago ( he actually made it home that time less than 24 hrs then his scheduled flight that time). If I can offer anything to Plebe parents out there its that it will work out. People will be kind to your sons and daughters (who want to stay dressed in their blues until they get home). Perfect strangers will be willing to buy them a drink or a cup of coffee. Airline personnel will put a little something extra into finding them a way home. Everything is going to be alright. To everyone else who has Mids and Plebes walking thru their doors tonight, your well wishes and prayers are appreciated. Vaya con Dios.</p>
<p>My plebe son got to LGA around 1 dressed in uniform. His flight out was scheduled for 6:55pm today. He tried for an earlier flight and was #21 on the standby. A supervisor came up to him and ask if he could bump him to first class. My son told him that was great but he was #21 on standby. The supervior said he would see what he could do. He is currently in the air scheduled to land in the next 20 minutes. The airlines have proven to be good to our plebes!</p>
<p>No doubt about it… Uniforms REALLY help. Not a guarantee, but absolutely help.</p>
<p>Son’s flight to DFW was canceled out of LGA. At first they said they wouldn’t be able to get him out until Sunday. He is currently scheduled to leave Newark for Chicago at ~1600 and due to arrive in DFW at ~2130. We have our fingers crossed for all the mids working their way home for the holidays!</p>
<p>Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!</p>
<p>US Air told our son monday morning earliest and now its sunday morning, we will see. CA is a long ways away from KP.</p>
<p>We live in New Jersey. Does he need a place to stay this weekend?</p>
<p>nmlcfp thanks so much for your concern, our son is with a mid in the jersey area and will be flying home tomorrow, weather permitting. We appreciate the extended East Coast KP family. thanks again.</p>
<p>Any time! Have a great Christmas.</p>
<p>Hope all have gotten to their destinations safely. Special wishes for usmmakp2010dad & family. Hope travels go well tomorrow.</p>
<p>Jamzmom is also sending special holiday wishes to Texas Plebes who were running around LGA & Charlotte amusing someone I was waiting on. :D</p>
<p>Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to the whole KP “family”.</p>
<p>He made it home. Prayers and well wishes to everyone still waiting. God bless everyone.</p>