
<p>Coming from the northeast where we have seasons I don't know how I would adjust to the constant warm Miami weather. I love the warm weather, but don't know if I could live with it for 8 months out of the year. If a current or past student who was also from a colder area of the country who went to Miami could just share their opinion on how the adjustment was etc that would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>I asked my daughter (freshmen at Miami) this question and this is what she just sent me:</p>

<p>“I must say, the change in seasons is one thing I miss the most down here. Quite frankly, it’s odd to hear Christmas Carols when it’s 75, surrounded by palm trees. The weather does change down here, but merely from 95 and really, super humid to 70 and less humid. You do kind of adapt though, wearing jeans and shoes when it’s 80, and a sweatshirt when it’s 72 (and getting funny looks from the people on tours who are in tanks and flip flops). Winter break is the cure to all this though. You get your cold weather, celebrate, and then, when you’ve decided you’ve had enough cold, it’s time to go back for the spring semester.”</p>

<p>I come from Rhode Island and I was in Miami for 3 weeks this summer. I adjusted fairly quickly to the weather. I actually wore a sweatshirt a couple times. The first day was the most humid, but it didn’t really bother me much. All the buildings are air conditioned and can get really cold… I couldn’t sit in class with shorts on because it got too cold.</p>

<p>I grew up in Miami and couldn’t wait to move north after high school. My daughter is now looking at colleges in the northeast also, even though she would have a full ride at UM. I am worried about her adjusting to the cold. The weather in Miami is great and you have your breaks to get your weather fix!</p>


<p>You are so right about the cold classrooms. My daughter had to buy a sweatshirt (Miami one of course) because she was freezing to death indoors!</p>

<p>Your daughter in 11th grade already knows she has a full ride at UM?</p>

<p>The air conditioning was broken in Cox for a few weeks and everyone would carry sweaters with them to class because it was just ridiculous. There was one room that reminded me of my four years in Colorado!</p>

<p>But I’m originally from Florida, moved to Colorado for four years, then came back here to UM. I can tell you that I, at the very least, had no adjustment to make. I don’t miss winter at all! :P</p>

<p>You get used to it and some of my friends got somewhat cold in Miami in January. For me, this lasted. I am now attending grad school and noticed at a bar that everyone in our group had taken off their sweatshirts except me!</p>

<p>its gotten cold here! 50 degrees (not rly cold compared to CT…where Im from) but still Ive been wearing sweatshirts and sometimes sweatpants</p>