<p>Now Nate's turn : )</p>
<p>I will back up my brother Webgrad and Mitch in stating that Webster is a very nuturing program. I have completed two years of training there, and wouldn't have chosen to go anywhere else. I think it is important when looking at Webster that there isn't any set amount of people who have to leave the program by time of graduation. A class could have as many as 18 or 19 as the class had the year before I came... or be as small as 13, which was this years senior class. Having people not invited back is a very scary thing, but a lot of people end up seeing that is was actually the best for that class and student. A person could not be invited back for failing a probation, or failing more then once class, which would have put the student on double probation... hence the double probation rule Mgbob spoke about. If a student also fails their area of concentration alone it may result in "suspension" as it is defined in the handbook. My best advice for you would be to read your handbook, know your rights. Then after you do, go in there with an open and positive attitude. Webster isn't the program for everybody, and they want to make sure that the degree still means something. If you look at all the top schools in architecture (excuse my spelling on that... no idea if that is correct), medicine, and law... not every student is allowed to continue on in the program. Most students let go, are prepared to make it as an actor in the real world. Many go out and start working right away. After the first two years at Webster, an actor has been taught all the initial tools from the program. Webster will never be the be all end all of you. What Webster offers... or offered for me, is a wonderful theatre education with top knotch teachers and students. Believe it or not, the better yours peers are the better you will be, because the ensemble will be pushed... I like that word "ensemble"... because its what you learn to work as. Everybody in my class is incredibly close, and even the people no longer in the conservatory who are still at Webster are still my best of friends. Webster, is really something special. I turned down DePaul because I didn't want to deal with a mandatory cut system... I didn't want to feel competition between me and the rest of my class and be a "number"... not to say DePaul does either... but I know that Webster will never treat you like that, garuntee. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me. I check my e-mail religiously! : ) Take care, and God Bless!</p>