Weekends in Geneseo

<p>@akmom1967 we leave on Jet Blue Wednesday Morning…and will make the parent reception that night…most of that day I plan on taking her around and showing her the Wegmans and shopping area…like Walmart lol…There is a student there we know so he will take her around a bit. The next day we will do the preview day Thursday and leave on a flight back at 7PM. If you get the flights early they can be about 60 each way…which Ill book in advance for breaks and I saw we need to be there for orientation. I really hope she likes it. She has been talking on facebook with other accepted students…alot from Long Island they are such a friendly group…this is the link <a href=“Geneseo Class of 2017 | Facebook”>Geneseo Class of 2017 | Facebook;
We are from Long Island.</p>

<p>Gcmom - hope you have a great visit and that your daughter loves it! I checked flights for next week but they are very expensive now so we will be driving next week. We are from Westchester.</p>