
<p>what do you guys do for fun? i live in kansas and it can get pretty boring here. me and my friends go out to eat and to the movies, ice skating occassionally, but other than that, there's not a lot of fun things to do except chill at each other's houses.</p>

<p>what do you do cc?</p>

<p>Go hang out with friends.
Stay home and sleep. </p>

<p>I live in an area a lot like what you’re describing.</p>

<p>Sleep. Watch some tv. Work out. Sleep. Read science magazines. Work out more. Chill. Read funny stuff on CC. Sleep some more.</p>

<p>-go to eat, movies, then friends house or mine to play video games
-stay home. watch tv, play video games, sleep
-go paintballing
-amusement parks, mulligans, disneyland, etc</p>

<p>i live in california… there is stuff for people to do over here, the thing is you need a car to go places, or the best thing is probably jsut the first 2 options without a car… but if you’ve got a car, you can basically do anything when chillin</p>

<p>Our town is extremely boring, so it is mostly limited to my friend’s houses. We generally just hang around, throw a party a couple times a month, drink, etc.</p>

<p>hang out with friends, drive around, hang out with my boyfriend, movies, movie nights, ice cream shindigs, parties, etc.</p>

<p>of course we do homework together. oh. and studying math books ftw.</p>

<p>who doesnt?!?!</p>

<p>our town is ridiculously boring. its like all residential with the malls and stuff like miles away from the residential areas.</p>

<p>@ivers do people in cali not have cars? because here, by the time you’re a junior/senior, everyone has a car…</p>

<p>^It’s that way in Ohio too. There are very few juniors and seniors who don’t have cars. I even know some freshmen who have cars before they’re even legal to drive.</p>


<p>Not like that in the DC Metro area at ALL. At least, not unless you go to one of those rich, all white schools. Cars are way too expensive, especially when you factor in gas… Few people have cars, and those who do are either kind of spoiled (parents buy them car and pay for gas and insurance) or actually have time outside of schoolwork to get a job and pay for their car themselves. I have neither time nor money, so no car for me.</p>

<p>Of course, in the DC area the public transportation system is awesome, so cars aren’t really necessary. I can take the bus/metro pretty much wherever, and during the week it’s free with my student ID. Maybe if we didn’t have that, people would be more concerned with getting cars.</p>

<p>As for weekends, I’ll use this one as an example: a couple of free concerts, hanging out downtown with friends (going out to eat, wandering around Borders, catching a movie), doing some volunteer work (every Saturday), helping to paint a mural, plodding around at home, school stuff, making/buying presents (specific to this time of year), cooking, doing arty things, messing around online…</p>

<p>I don’t usually take as much advantage of DC as I could, but there’s always something to do if I feel like going out and doing it.</p>

<p>Take the train to NYC (1/2 hour at most).
Once there, absorb the city atmosphere, chill out. Go see a show, have dinner, walk around some more.
Take the 11 pm train back home</p>

<p>Well, kids in Ohio don’t drive nice cars. Usually they get their parents’ old cars when they get new ones, or they just go buy one out of someone’s yard. My dad is a mechanic, and someone brought the car I have now into the shop with the title and said he didn’t want to put any more money into it. Eight hundred dollars later, I had a good car for no more driving than I do. I guess it’s just a culture thing. In my area, it’s impossible to get anywhere without a car, whether it’s you driving or someone else. So people just buy cars. There’s also ample space for parking just about everywhere, so it’s relatively easy to drive.</p>

<p>I usually hike 20-30 miles each weekend, play video games, read books, waste away at the computer, walk, and hang with friends when they are available.</p>

<p>ha, weekends are for studying, expect sometimes saturday and friday… Being in the classic ‘suburban’ american, we go out to movies, go sledding, skiing, etc… but most of the time we hang out at our EC’s or each others house’s</p>

<p>for you NYCers and DCers, I think it’s awesome you guys live near big cities. you have so much more things to do. I love the city atmosphere, too bad I live in a quiet suburb.</p>

<p>my town is so rural… it’s pretty much just farms… haha the biggest attraction in our town is the corn maze where everyone goes to hang out</p>